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Why curve isn't appear in XY GRAPH block?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nasser Hasani
Nasser Hasani le 18 Fév 2018
Commenté : Nasser Hasani le 21 Fév 2018
Some times I am in trouble with SIMULINK XY GRAPH. When I run my model there is no graph or graph tails a rout like worm. Thanks
  2 commentaires
Andreas le 20 Fév 2018
Did you check the axes properties? Just double click the XY-Graph and check the settings. First (top) input is for the X-axis, the second (lower) input for Y-axis.
Nasser Hasani
Nasser Hasani le 21 Fév 2018
I do,I specify right up-down limits to x and y.but i have the problem yet.

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