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How do i solve minimax optimization problem?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Meyyappan le 16 Mai 2012
certain examples are given in help. But when i try the same, its showing error. Can anyone, with an example, be able to explain solving Minimax optimization problem.
  4 commentaires
Sargondjani le 16 Mai 2012
no you dont have the optimization toolbox
Meyyappan le 16 Mai 2012
function b = three_var(v)
x = v(1);
y = v(2);
z = v(3);
b = x.^2 + 2.5*sin(y) - z^2*x^2*y^2;
v = [-0.6 -1.2 0.135];
a = fminsearch(@three_var,v)
Error using three_var (line 2)
Not enough input arguments. This was the message that i am getting even if try with fminsearch.. kindly elobrate on fminsearch to solve minnimax.. thanks

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Sargondjani le 16 Mai 2012
to solve a minimax program you will have to rely on 'fminsearch', file exchange or write you own optimization routine (this might be less difficult than you think)
  1 commentaire
Meyyappan le 16 Mai 2012
Thank you for help.. If u could elobrate on using fminsearch for solving minimax, it will be highly helpful.

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