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how to copy the segmented image in to single variable?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Melaku Eneayehu
Melaku Eneayehu le 13 Mar 2018
Commenté : Image Analyst le 14 Mar 2018
how to copy the segmented image in to single variable?
[IDX nn obj]=fcm(imData,4);

Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 13 Mar 2018
I don't have the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, but if it gives you a vector, you can reshape it
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(test);
classifiedImage = reshape(IDX, rows, columns];
imshow(classifiedImage, []);
  4 commentaires
Melaku Eneayehu
Melaku Eneayehu le 13 Mar 2018
Images are gray scale and IDX is
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
IDX 4x1 32 double
i also try mat2gray but it doesn't work
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 14 Mar 2018
You need to use nn. (This is why it's good to name variables sensibly.)
[centers,U,objFunc] = fcm(___)
U: Fuzzy partition matrix, returned as a matrix with Nc rows and Nd columns. Element U(i,j) indicates the degree of membership of the jth data point in the ith cluster. For a given data point, the sum of the membership values for all clusters is one.
So you need to scan U and find out what column the max value is in. That's what class it thinks that pixel is in. Something like (untested because I don't have that toolbox):
classifiedImage = zeros(rows, columns);
for k = 1 : length(U)
% For every pixel...
[~, col] = max(U(k, :));
outputImage(k) = col;
outputImage = reshape(outputImage, rows, columns);

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