Iterating s-function parameters with a For-Each subsystem

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
John Harris
John Harris le 22 Mar 2018
Modifié(e) : John Harris le 29 Mar 2018
I am attempting to use an S-function inside a For-Each subsystem. The S-function block has 4 S-function parameters, and I want to iterate one of those parameters using the For-Each subsystem.
It seems this should be possible -
However, when I UpdateDiagram I get a message similar to this:
Parameter 'SFcnBlockParameter' of block 's-function_blockname' cannot reference partitioned mask parameter 'xxxx' of For Each subsystem 'sysname' because parameter 'SFcnBlockParameter' is not tunable.
The message is presented if the S-function block has a mask, and if doesn't.
I can't seem to find information on this SFcnBlockParameter anywhere... Is there something else that needs to be set in the s-function? Is there a Model Configuration Parameter that needs to be set?

Réponses (1)

Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom le 24 Mar 2018
Modifié(e) : Mark McBroom le 24 Mar 2018
Is the "Tunable" box checked in the block mask editor ?
  1 commentaire
John Harris
John Harris le 26 Mar 2018
I've tried this with the s-function being both masked and unmasked; and yes, I've had that mask parameter tuneable if the S-function block was masked.
The for-each subsystem is also masked (to allow passing parameters in) and that parameter is tuneable, although I don't think that would have a bearing since I am not changing its value per's the value that is divided for each 'for.'

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