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how can i fix the check in Model Advisor ? (very urgent)

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Amal Hamdaoui
Amal Hamdaoui le 28 Mar 2018
Commenté : Image Analyst le 28 Mar 2018

hello guys , I managed to integrate the verification with the model advisor, but I wonder how I can correct the error from the window of model Advisor ? pleaaase help me it's very urgennnttt !!!!! here's the script i made : function sl_customization(cm) %------ definir la règle -----

%----- where checks are added (location : by Product)--------


 %----- where checks are added (location : by Task)--------

% cm.addModelAdvisorTaskAdvisorFcn(@defineTaskAdvisor);

% ----- where checks are added ( location : My group) ----- % cm.addModelAdvisorTaskFcn(@defineModelAdvisorTasks);

function defineModelAdvisorChecks % --- Get handle to model advisor object mdladvRoot = ModelAdvisor.Root; %------ publier la règle ---- rec = ModelAdvisor.Check('DetectiondesEspaces'); %----- rec : var utilisé pour définir la règle d'interface ----- rec.Title = 'Check_des_Spaces '; %---- The Title : le texte nommant la règle dans Model Advisor ---- rec.TitleTips = 'added check_spaces'; %------ The TitleTips : est le texte qui montre la boîte de dialogue de vérification ----- rec.setCallbackFcn(@SimpleCallback,'None','StyleOne'); %----- setCallbackFcn : définit le nom de la fonction, le contexte et le style de vérification------ rec.setCallbackFcn(@SampleCallback,'None','StyleOne');

% --- input parameters rec.setInputParametersLayoutGrid([1 1]); %---- définit le nombre de lignes et de colonnes disponibles pour les paramètres d'entrée---- inputParam1 = ModelAdvisor.InputParameter; % ---- créer une handle object pour définir l'entrée ---- inputParam1.Name = 'checkSpaces'; % --- Name: texte de l'entrée ----- inputParam1.Value=' ';% ----- Value: La valeur par défaut de l'entrée --- inputParam1.Type='String'; % ---- type de l'entrée ---- inputParam1.Description='sample tooltip'; % ---- Description: The tool tip pour l'entrée---- inputParam1.setRowSpan([1 1]); % ---- setRowSpan: La position horizontale de l'entrée dans [start row, end row] ------ inputParam1.setColSpan([1 1]); % ----- setColSpan: L'emplacement vertical de l'entrée dans [start col, end col] ---- rec.setInputParameters({inputParam1}); % ----- setInputParameters: ajoute les informations de paramètre d'entrée à rec handle --

% ----- set fix operation ----- myAction = ModelAdvisor.Action; % ModelAdvisor.Action: The action function is used fix errors---- %myAction.setCallbackFcn(@SimpleActionCallback); %--- setCallbackFcn: ----- Définit le nom de la fonction appelée lorsque le bouton Action est enfoncé----- myAction.setCallbackFcn(@SampleActionCallback); %--- setCallbackFcn: ----- Définit le nom de la fonction appelée lorsque le bouton Action est enfoncé----- myAction.Name = ' Fix spaces'; %----- Name:Le texte sur le bouton de rappel

myAction.Description = 'Click the button to update all spaces '; % ------ Descriptn: Le texte décrivant l'action ------

rec.setAction(myAction); % ----- setAction: Ajouter les informations d'action au rec ----- rec.ListViewVisible = true; %---- Afficher / masquer le bouton d'exploration des résultats ----- mdladvRoot.publish(rec,'Demo'); %---- ajouter les règles au model advisor group dans le fichier "Demo"-----

%--- SimpleCallback function that checks the Spaces(inport) ---- function result = SimpleCallback(system) mdladvObj = Simulink.ModelAdvisor.getModelAdvisor(system); result = {};

inport = find_system(bdroot,'BlockType','Inport'); espaces_Inp=''; for i=1:length(inport) x=get_param(inport{i},'Name'); for j=1: length(x) if strcmp(x(j),' ')==1 espaces_Inp=[espaces_Inp inport(i)]; end end end espaces_Inp=espaces_Inp'

DetectionEspaces; ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate ('ListTemplate'); ft.setInformation(['detect spaces ']);

if ~isempty(espaces_Inp) ft.setSubResultStatusText(['Check has failed.']); ft.setListObj(espaces_Inp); ft.setSubResultStatus('warn'); ft.setRecAction('Parameterise the spaces'); mdladvObj.setCheckResultStatus(false); mdladvObj.setActionEnable(true); else ft.setSubResultStatusText(['check had passed .No spaces detected.']); ft.setSubResultStatus('pass'); mdladvObj.setCheckResultStatus(true); end ft.setSubBar(0); result{end+1}=ft;

%--- SimpleCallback function that check spaces (outport)---- function result = SampleCallback(system) mdladvObj = Simulink.ModelAdvisor.getModelAdvisor(system); result = {};

outport = find_system(bdroot,'BlockType','Outport'); espaces_Out=''; for i=1:length(outport) x=get_param(outport{i},'Name'); for j=1: length(x) if strcmp(x(j),' ')==1 espaces_Out=[espaces_Out outport(i)]; end end end espaces_Out=espaces_Out'

DetectionEspaces; ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate ('ListTemplate'); ft.setInformation(['detect spaces ']);

if ~isempty(espaces_Out) ft.setSubResultStatusText(['Check has failed.']); ft.setListObj(espaces_Out); ft.setSubResultStatus('warn'); ft.setRecAction('Parameterise the spaces'); mdladvObj.setCheckResultStatus(false); mdladvObj.setActionEnable(true); else ft.setSubResultStatusText(['check had passed .No spaces detected.']); ft.setSubResultStatus('pass'); mdladvObj.setCheckResultStatus(true); end ft.setSubBar(0); result{end+1}=ft; % %

% % % --- SimpleCallback function that fixes failed check ----

function result = SampleActionCallback(taskobj) mdladvObj = taskobj.MAObj; result = {}; system = getfullname(mdladvObj.System);

% Get the string from the input parameter box. inputParams = mdladvObj.getInputParameters; textEntryEx = inputParams{1}.Value; %----- in ----- inport = find_system(system,'BlockType','Inport'); espaces_Inp=''; for i=1:length(inport) x=get_param(inport{i},'Name'); for j=1: length(x) if strcmp(x(j),' ')==1 espaces_Inp=[espaces_Inp inport(i)]; end end end espaces_Inp=espaces_Inp'

ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('TableTemplate'); % Define table col titles ft.setColTitles({'Block','space_detected','No_space'}) for inx=1:size(espaces_Inp) spacedetected = get_param(espaces_Inp{inx},'Name'); ft.addRow({espaces_Inp{inx},spacedetected,textEntryEx}); set_param(espaces_Inp{inx},'Name',textEntryEx); end

ft.setSubBar(0); result = ft; mdladvObj.setActionEnable(false);

%------- out------ outport = find_system(bdroot,'BlockType','Outport'); espaces_Out=''; for i=1:length(outport) x=get_param(outport{i},'Name'); for j=1: length(x) if strcmp(x(j),' ')==1 espaces_Out=[espaces_Out outport(i)]; end end end espaces_Out=espaces_Out'

ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('TableTemplate'); % Define table col titles ft.setColTitles({'Block','space_detected','No_space'}) for inx=1:size(espaces_Out) spacedetected = get_param(espaces_Out{inx},'Name'); ft.addRow({espaces_Out{inx},spacedetected,textEntryEx}); set_param(espaces_Out{inx},'Name',textEntryEx); end

ft.setSubBar(0); result = ft; mdladvObj.setActionEnable(false);

  1 commentaire
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 28 Mar 2018
Because your code was not formatted correctly it ended up in the spam bucket. I rescued it from there, but please read this http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/13205#answer_18099 so it doesn't end up there again where no one will see it.

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