How to use optimization variable in if condition and how to multiple an optimization variable with an optim. expression?

11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hello everybody, I'm trying to solve a unit commitment problem using intlinprog with problem-based optimization method. I have two problems. 1) I need to multiply an optimization variable that shows the commitment status of any unit with an optimization expression that shows the time off and I'm getting an error: "Error using optim.internal.problemdef.Times.getTimesOperator At least one argument must be numeric."
ans = state(i,j).*t_off(i,j)
Is there any way to multiply an optimization variable with an optimization expression?
2) The most serious problem I have encountered when I'm trying to create a logical operator in an if, using the optimization expression toff, and I'm getting an error: "Conversion to logical from optim.problemdef.OptimizationConstraint is not possible" . What I'm trying to do for example :
if toff<10
if toff>=10
Does anyone have any ideas that could help??? Thanks in advance

Réponses (1)

Mary Fenelon
Mary Fenelon le 2 Mai 2018
Multiplying two optimization variables results in a quadratic expression and these aren't allowed in a mixed-integer linear program.
There is an example of a unit commitment problem here that might give you some ideas on how to formulate the constraint you need without multiplying variables. There is a more complex version of a unit commitment problem here .
Look here for a way to model the logical constraint.
  3 commentaires
Mary Fenelon
Mary Fenelon le 4 Mai 2018
Yes, you can specify linear constraints to model those logical constraints using the same pattern x - My <= 0. For the first:
  • t_i_j - M1*(1-state_i_j) <= 0 where 0 <= t_i_j <= M1
  • t_i_j - toff_i_j-1 - 1 - M2*state_i_j <= 0 where 0 <= t_i_j - t_i_j-1 - 1 <= M2
For the second, you need to add a binary variable y that is 1 when t > 10:
  • (t - 10) - M3*y <= 0 where 0 <= t - 10 <= M3
Use y to compute the value of C.
Sanyam Maheshwari
Sanyam Maheshwari le 21 Juil 2020
I am also facing the issue with my optimization problem.
global SL V p r k m n C Z s
SL = [0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75];
V = 94100;
p = [0.07,0.18,0.2,0.3];
r = [55 55 55 55;
47 47 47 47;
45 45 45 45;
49 49 49 49];
k = [33 33 33 33;
28 28 28 28;
29 29 29 29;
30 30 30 30];
m = 4;
n= 4;
C = [78,69,70,73;
Z =[250 250 250 250;
320 320 320 320;
440 440 440 440;
350 350 350 350];
s = [110,95,99,100];
global SL V r k m n C Z s
% Generating Variables
Q = optimvar('Q',m,n,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',Z);
b = optimvar('b',m,n,'Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
y = rand(4);
x = sym('x',[4,1]);
% limit of integration
l = y*Q;
q = sum(l(:));
% Constraints
% Budget Constraint
B = C*b*y*Q;
budget = sum(B(:)) <= V;
% normal constraint
normal = int(normpdf(x, 400, 100),q,Inf) <=SL;
% each product connects to exactly one supplier
con4 = sum(b,1) == ones(m,1)';
% Objective Function:-
% optimization problem
demandprob = optimproblem;
% Revenue
revenue = sum(s*b*x,1);
% Cost
cost = sum(sum(C*b*y*Q,1),2);
salvage = sum(b*r*(sum(sum(y*Q - x,1),2)),1);
% Revenue when demand is more
revenue2 = sum(s*b*y*Q,2);
% Salvage when demand is more
salvage2 = sum(b*k*(x - sum(sum(y*Q,1),2)),1);
% The objective function to maximize the below Expected Profit
demandprob.Objective = int(((revenue - cost + salvage).*normpdf(x, 400, 100)),0,q); + int(((revenue2 - cost - salvage2).*normpdf(x, 400, 100)),q,Inf);
% Include the constraints in the problem.
demandprob.Constraints.budget = budget;
demandprob.Constraints.normal = normal;
demandprob.Constraints.con4 = con4;
opts = optimoptions('intlinprog','Display','off','PlotFcn',@optimplotmilp);
% Call the solver to find the solution.
[sol,fval,exitflag,output] = solve(demandprob,'options',opts);
Also I want to maximize this optimization problem
What should I do further.
please help

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