Numerical integration of double integral

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Gunnar le 29 Mai 2018
Commenté : Ameer Hamza le 31 Mai 2018
Dear all,
I am trying to numerically integrate the following double integral but have come across resistance:
It should be noted that similar questions have already been posed and answered in MATLAB Answers, but when I tried applying one of them (specifically, see the accepted answer, I get the error message that "A and B must be floating point scalars".
Here is my attempt to solve this.
y1min = 0;
y2min = @(y1) y1;
f1 = @(y1,y2) integral(@(x) x/(1+x^alpha/(0.1*y1+1.1*y2)),y2,Inf,'ArrayValued',1);
f2 = @(y1,y2) exp(-2*pi*f1(y1,y2)) * exp(-pi*y2^2)*y1*y2;
f3 = @(y1) integral(@(y2) f2(y1,y2),y2min,Inf,'ArrayValued',1);
res = integral(@(y1) f3(y1),y1min,Inf,'ArrayValued',1),
PS. It would be nice if the solution method that is in the end applied is flexible enough since I also plan to numerically integrate a triple integral later on.
Many thanks for your help.
  1 commentaire
Gunnar le 30 Mai 2018
Modifié(e) : Gunnar le 30 Mai 2018
No answers so far...
Anyone with any idea? Help is greatly appreciated!

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Réponse acceptée

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza le 31 Mai 2018
Modifié(e) : Ameer Hamza le 31 Mai 2018
Try this
f1 = @(y1,y2) integral(@(x) x./(1+x.^4/(0.1*y1.^4+1.1*y2.^4)),y2,Inf);
f2 = @(y1,y2) exp(-2*pi*f1(y1,y2)) * exp(-pi*y2^2)*y1*y2;
f3 = @(x) integral(@(y) f2(x,y), x, inf, 'ArrayValued', 1);
result = integral(f3, 0, inf, 'ArrayValued', 1);
To extend it to triple integral, just look at how f3 and result statement are related to each other.
  4 commentaires
Gunnar le 31 Mai 2018
Seems to be working! :)
Thanks very much! I will accept your answer.
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza le 31 Mai 2018
You are welcome.

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