How to convert datetime vector to military time

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Asher Zaidi
Asher Zaidi le 18 Juin 2018
Commenté : Stephen23 le 5 Juil 2018
This is my code:
files = dir('*.xlsx');
for i=1:10
[~, ~, raw] = xlsread(files(i).name);
rawm = raw(5:6,1);
rawmd = cell2mat(rawm(1));
rawmt = cell2mat(rawm(2));
s = strcat(rawmd(31:40),rawmt(30:38));
ds(i) = datetime(s)
It produces a vector that looks like this:
ans =
10×1 datetime array
14-Feb-2018 11:34:16
15-Feb-2018 12:34:58
15-Feb-2018 01:35:04
15-Feb-2018 02:35:26
15-Feb-2018 03:35:52
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15-Feb-2018 05:36:05
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15-Feb-2018 08:36:48
How can I change the format of the datetime array to military time so that the times may appear in chronological order?

Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 18 Juin 2018
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 5 Juil 2018
"How can I change the format of the datetime array to military time so that the times may appear in chronological order?"
You don't need to: the Format of datetime objects relates to how the datetime is displayed, and is unrelated to how it is stored internally, so changing how it looks does not change how it will be sorted. If you want chronological order just apply sort and see what happens:
If you want to change how the datetime is displayed then you can change its Format property. The ISO 8601 date standard is the best to use, as is guarantees chronological order when sorted by character:
T = datetime(...);
T.Format = 'yyyyMMddHHmmss';
  3 commentaires
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins le 5 Juil 2018
Stephen, I think maybe you meant (H vs. h)
T.Format = 'yyyyMMddHHmmss';
Stephen23 le 5 Juil 2018
@Peter Perkins: thank you, I fixed my answer.

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