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How to find distance between two nodes? including the nodes.

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Aswin Sandirakumaran
Aswin Sandirakumaran le 1 Juil 2018
Commenté : navanit dubey le 17 Nov 2020
For example: In this graph i would like to find distance *between s1 and s3.
SO MY OUTPUT SHOULD LOOK LIKE : Distance = 7 (includes both edges and nodes)
  2 commentaires
Paolo le 1 Juil 2018
Can you share the code with which the image was generated?
Aswin Sandirakumaran
Aswin Sandirakumaran le 1 Juil 2018
I just used addnode and addedge.

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Réponses (2)

Anton Semechko
Anton Semechko le 1 Juil 2018
Download graph processing toolbox from FEX. Use Dijkstra's algorithm to get shortest path between pairs of nodes. Path length = distance between nodes = sum of edge weights along the path.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 2 Juil 2018
Call https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/graph.shortestpath.html shortestpath() on the graph object to get the distances.

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