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Taylor expansion with 2 variables

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Weia Reinboud
Weia Reinboud le 2 Juil 2018
I have a long function and want to know its Taylor expansion, but it's a function with 2 variables f(g,h). I expect a summation of a Taylor series in g and one in h. The documentation contains something like that, but I do not see how to do it. In which screen expansions pop up?

Réponses (2)

Anton Semechko
Anton Semechko le 2 Juil 2018
Taylor's theorem generalizes to multivariate functions. Formula for third order approximation of a bivariate function can be found here , under the heading "Example in two dimensions".

Weia Reinboud
Weia Reinboud le 3 Juil 2018
I overlooked 'syms'. So it works now. But now I have a new problem, the expansion is over 25000 signs long, too long for the command window. And too long for my goal. I have to do some rethinking...

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