Accessing Functions on MATLAB Production Server (MPS) from a MATLAB script

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Kenneth Yesh
Kenneth Yesh le 23 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : per isakson le 19 Nov 2021
I am investigating using MATLAB Production Server as a way to ensure everyone is using the same/latest version of a Simulink model or MATLAB function.
To my surprise I cannot find any documentation on how to call a function or model on an MPS instance from MATLAB itself.
I found documentation on how to do in Java, .NET, C and Python.
Does this feature exist and can someone point me to documentation on it?

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Matt C
Matt C le 25 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : per isakson le 19 Nov 2021
Based on the documentation for the MATLAB Production Server on the Mathworks site, particularly in the "Production Deployment of MATLAB Programs" section (found here:, it looks like there isn't a built in client for calling a function on an MPS instance directly from MATLAB. It looks like there are only native clients written for the four languages you mentioned.
However, functions from an MPS instance can be called using the RESTful API and JSON. The documentation for that is found here:
This is more of a workaround, but the API could probably be called directly from MATLAB using the webread and webwrite functions. The documentation for these two functions is below:

Plus de réponses (1)

Thomas Michiels
Thomas Michiels le 9 Avr 2019
for extra information on everything around the data you should send:


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