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How I can offset the airfoil geometry inward and outward?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Prinson Chandy
Prinson Chandy le 26 Juil 2018
Commenté : James Clinton le 7 Août 2018
Airfoil geometry is made of [x,y] values.

Réponse acceptée

James Clinton
James Clinton le 26 Juil 2018
It sounds like you just need "z" dimension values. Find the number of points using size(), then you can put the airfoil at a constant z-value by setting all z-values the same.
To offset in the x-direction, just add or subtract a constant from all x-values. Similarly, to offset in the y-direction, a constant must be added or subtracted from the y-values.
  2 commentaires
Prinson Chandy
Prinson Chandy le 7 Août 2018
how to remove points which are overlapping
James Clinton
James Clinton le 7 Août 2018
Concatenate x and y vectors together to create an array then use unique to get rid of duplicate points. For example, if x and y are column vectors:
M = [x y];
A = unique(M,rows);
xnew = A(:,1); ynew = A(:,2);

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