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Change script to apply on a different dataset.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Saptorshee Chakraborty
Saptorshee Chakraborty le 30 Juil 2018
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
Hello, I want to apply a particular econometric methodology for my own research purpose. The script for the methodology has been made public by the author. How can I change it to apply it to my own data.
  6 commentaires
Rik le 1 Août 2018
It is always best to include all relevant information in your question. That way everybody can help you instead of only the people you send your data by email. (just as a note: don't send me the files by email, it's more efficient to upload them here yourself)
Saptorshee Chakraborty
Saptorshee Chakraborty le 1 Août 2018
The code:
clear global p T N d pi; IC_needed = 1; cvx_solver mosek load('balancedPanelX1995.mat') X = [lagsaving, cpi, interest, gdp]; y = saving;
p = size(X, 2); T = 15; N = 56; d = 2; % number of IVs
K_max = 5; lamb.grid = 10; lamb.min = .2; lamb.max = 2.0; lamb_const = lamb.min * (lamb.max / lamb.min ).^( ( (1:lamb.grid) - 1) /( lamb.grid -1 ) ); % the constant for lambda. very important!!
lambda = lamb_const* T^(-1/3); numlam = length(lambda);
tol = 0.0001; R = 80; W = 1;
%% scale the dependent variable and its lag term [Dy, DX, Z ] = IV_generate(y, X); std_yi = std(Dy); Dy = bsxfun(@rdivide, Dy, std_yi) ; DX = bsxfun(@rdivide, DX, std(DX, 1)); Z(:,:,3:5) = DX(:,:,2:4);
beta_hat0 = zeros(N, p); for i = 1:N DXi = permute( DX(:,i,:), [1 3 2]); Zi = permute( Z(:,i,:), [1 3 2]); Dyi = Dy(:, i); beta_hat0(i,:) = pinv(DXi' * (Zi * Zi') * DXi) * (DXi' * (Zi * Zi') * Dyi); %initial value end beta_hat00 = beta_hat0;
T = 13; ds = dataset( kron( (1:N)', ones(T,1) ), repmat( (1:T)', [N 1]),... reshape(Dy, [N*T 1]), reshape(DX, [N*T size(DX,3)] ), reshape(Z, [N*T size(Z,3)]) ); ds.Properties.VarNames = {'N' 'T' 'y' 'X', 'Z'};
%% if IC_needed == 1 IC_value = zeros(K_max, numlam); IC = IC_PGMM(ds, ones(N,1)); % K = 1 case IC_value(1, :) = log( IC/(N*T) );
for ll = 1:numlam
for K = 2:K_max
lam = lambda(ll)*var(ds.y);
[b_K, hat.a] = PGMM_est(Dy, DX, Z, beta_hat0, W, K, lam, R, tol);
[~, hat.b, ~ , group] = report_b( T, b_K, hat.a, K );
IC_kk = zeros(1,K);
for kk = 1:K
IC_kk(kk) = IC_PGMM(ds, group(:,kk) );
IC_value(K,ll) = log( sum(IC_kk)/(N*T) )
pen = (2/3)*(N*T)^(-.5)* p*(1:K_max);
IC_final = IC_value + repmat( pen, [numlam, 1])';
[~, l_hat] = min(IC_final(2,:));
%% the information criterion selects % K = 2 and lambda(8)
K = 2; l_hat lam = lambda(l_hat)*var(ds.y);
[b_K, hat.a] = PGMM_est(Dy, DX, Z, beta_hat0, W, K, lam, R, tol); [~, hat.b, ~ , group] = report_b( T, b_K, hat.a, K ); H = hat_IC_PGMM( ds, hat.b, hat.a, K, group); sum(group)
est_post_lasso = zeros(p,6); pi = 0.05; for kk = 1:K this_group = group(:,kk); dat = ds; a_hat = hat.a(kk,:)';
index = 1:N;
g_index = index(this_group);
g_data = dat( ismember(dat.N, g_index), : ); % group-specific data
ky = g_data.y;
kX = g_data.X;
kZ = g_data.Z;
Nk = sum(this_group);
XZZX = (kX' * kZ) * pinv(kZ' * kZ) * (kZ' * kX)/(Nk*T)+ridge(pi, N, T);
XZZy = (kX' * kZ) * pinv(kZ' * kZ) * (kZ' * ky)/(Nk*T);
post_a = (pinv(XZZX) * XZZy)';
[vari] = var_post_GMM(T, post_a', ky, kX, kZ, pi); % no ridge used
se = sqrt(diag(vari));
est_post_lasso( :, (3 * ( kk-1 ) + 1) :3 * kk ) = [post_a; se'; post_a./se' ]';
est_post_lasso = mat2dataset( est_post_lasso, 'VarNames', ... {'g1_coef', 'g1_sd', 'g1_t', 'g2_coef', 'g2_sd', 'g2_t'}); disp(est_post_lasso)
load('country56.mat') country(group(:,1)) country(group(:,2)) sum(group)
%% pooled estimation % when the two groups are put together, we found the IV's is weak % this is the heterogeneity induced weak IV. % we add a positive value to the matrix to stablize the inverse, as in % ridge regression
XZZX = ds.X' * ds.Z * pinv(ds.Z' * ds.Z) * ds.Z' * ds.X/(N*T) + ridge(pi, N, T); XZZy = ds.X' * ds.Z * pinv(ds.Z' * ds.Z) * ds.Z' * ds.y/(N*T) ;
alpha1 = XZZX \ XZZy;
[vari] = var_post_GMM(T, alpha1, ds.y, ds.X, ds.Z,pi); se = sqrt(diag(vari)); [alpha1, se]
group_PGMM = group; save('group_PGMM.mat', 'group_PGMM');

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