The script can't continue after pause

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
SC le 16 Août 2018
In my script, there are "pause;" after some plots. A "pause;" commands is referring to the entire line of code.
In the past, I can press the "enter" key of the keyboard to let the script continue after "pause;". But now, more and more of my script don't have any reaction when I press the "enter" key, which means I can't continue my script after "pause;".
The time of appearance is random. Sometimes the error appears at the 2nd "pause;", sometimes it appears at the 6th "pause;", and sometimes it won't happen. Every time when I run the script, I can't predict where the script will stick at.
I don't have any ideas about why it happens. How can I get it fixed? Many thanks.

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Août 2018
That sounds like Bug 1385837 which was fixed in the release after yours but has no work-around.

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