For example, the nodes could be placed at (0, 0 ,0), (1, 0 ,0), (1, 1 ,0), (0, 1 ,0), (0, 0 ,1), (1, 0 ,1), (1, 1 ,1), (0, 1 ,1). The plane could go from the upper left edge to the lower right edge, so its nodes would be (0, 0 ,1), (0, 1 ,0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0).
Everytime I tried
model = createpde(); geometryFromMesh(model,nodes,elements); or importGeometry(model,'PrismAndPlane.stl');
I have gotten all kinds of error messages (no matter how I generated the nodes and elements), including
'The input mesh does not form a closed volume. This may be due to missing faces or gaps in the input.' and 'Failed to create geometry. The stl file is invalid, more than two facets share an edge.'
I cannot include specific code, because I have literally tried a dozen different solutions (alpha shapes, geometry from meshes, create and import stl files, etc). The only one that worked provided a double inner plane, which is not ok to solve a diffusion pde.
So take it as a quiz. Glory for the one who solves it!
Thanks in advance,