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Desperate for help. Calculate VIX option price with Grünblicher & Longstaff (1996)

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Martin le 27 Juin 2012
Please someone help. I have build the below function to price a Call option on the VIX. I have directly replicated the call price function from Grünblicher & Longstaff (1996), but I am still not able to reproduce the values they achieve in Fig. 1 in their article.
function F=hestonsv(theta,K,T,r,VIX)
bet=theta(1); lrv=theta(2); sig=theta(3);
I am using the exast same input parameters as in their article. r=0.05, lrv=0.6, bet=4, sig^2=0.133 and K=0.15. No matter how i twist and turn it i cannot reproduce their result. Someone please help, what am i doing wrong?

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