cell array to char array?
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raktim banerjee
le 26 Jan 2011
Commenté : Hary
le 31 Mar 2023
Hello Sir!
How to convert a cell array to char array? I want to read 2 strings from a .txt file and want them in char type. if I do as follow those are cell type. The file contains 2 strings in 1st line, separated by a single space.
[a,b] = textread('inp.txt','%s%s',1)
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Walter Roberson
le 26 Jan 2011
char(a) and char(b)
4 commentaires
le 31 Mar 2023
>> a = {'9a','abc'}
a =
1×2 cell array
{'9a'} {'abc'}
>> a{1}
ans =
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piyari sadia
le 17 Août 2011
letters_lut ='AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890'; HOW (letters_lut) is used to convert the cell array to a character?
1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
le 17 Août 2011
Please expand on your question. Conversion from cell array to character string is a matter of de-referencing each of the cell array entries to get the already-contained character string, and building up rows of a char array, with the rows padded (with blanks) to the length of the longest string. There is no look-up table involved in the process.
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En savoir plus sur Characters and Strings dans Help Center et File Exchange
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