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How to calculate area of space in Matalb

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa le 10 Oct 2018
Commenté : Tran Hoa le 14 Oct 2018
Dear members, I want to calculate area of space created by 4 lines as figure. Could you help me to do that ? Thank you
  4 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 10 Oct 2018
Is line #1 the blue curve, or the black top of the axes box?
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa le 11 Oct 2018
Is the blue curve. Thank

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 11 Oct 2018
Try stacking the numerical row vectors of the curves vertically using a semicolon then use min() to get the lower-most curve:
bottomCurve = min([curve1; curve2; curve3; curve4; curve5; curve6], 1);
Then sum from the left index to the right index, whatever they are.
areaUnderCurve = sum(bottomCurve(index1 : index2))

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