Plot part of data

56 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Skydriver le 17 Oct 2018
Commenté : Kevin Chng le 18 Oct 2018
I have data like this: t Amp 0.00000 0.14216 0.02000 0.14648 0.04000 0.15523 0.06000 0.16035 0.08000 0.17030 0.10000 0.17817 0.12000 0.22207 0.14000 0.29376 0.16000 0.35582 0.18000 0.39803 0.20000 0.44485 0.22000 0.46390 0.24000 0.47957 0.26000 0.46590 0.28000 0.43250 0.30000 0.38545 0.32000 0.33179 0.34000 0.27900 0.36000 0.23127 0.38000 0.18947 0.40000 0.15524 But I want to plot the data only for 0 - 0.2000 second.
How to make a coding program for this.
  5 commentaires
Skydriver le 18 Oct 2018
This is my coding : figure(999); grid on plot(t31(1:102,1), t31(1:102,2)).
I made a limit of data base on number of row.
Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng le 18 Oct 2018
grid on
plot(t31(1:102,1), t31(1:102,2))

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Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng le 17 Oct 2018
  1 commentaire
Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng le 18 Oct 2018
grid on
x = t31(1:102,1);
y = t31(1:102,2);
plot(x(x<=0.2), y(x<=0.2))

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