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How can I create a montage of images without using the montage function?

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I need to create a 2x2 montage of an original image, red slice, green slice, and blue slice without using the built-in montage function.

Réponse acceptée

Chad Greene
Chad Greene le 18 Oct 2018
Modifié(e) : Chad Greene le 19 Oct 2018
Note: Screenshots of code are sometimes tough to follow along with. It's typically more helpful to copy and paste the actual text of your code and format it real fancy with the {} Code button. But on with your question:
If your images are all the same size, creating a montage is easy. Just treat each image as a matrix and concatenate them into one larger matrix like this:
I = imread('football.jpg');
% Concatenate the images:
Im = [I I I;
I I I];
axis image off

Plus de réponses (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 19 Oct 2018
Try using imtile().
  1 commentaire
Chad Greene
Chad Greene le 19 Oct 2018
Ah, I hadn't seen that function before (Introduced in R2018b). Very cool!

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 19 Oct 2018
Regarding your edited question. You shouldn't change the question so much that it's now an entirely different question and the existing answers are rendered meaningless.
Anyway, for your new question, see my attached demo. Adapt as needed.


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