How do I disply an image for example a .jpg in an android app using simulink?

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hi I want to display an image in an android app designed using the simulink support package to enhance the visual appearance. Do I just download a jpg to the workspace convert extract the RGB channels and then use attach it to the video display block for android? How do I bring the image into the model? Im using 2018b.

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Sruthi Yenugula
Sruthi Yenugula le 26 Oct 2018
Hi Matthew,
Can you let us know, where exactly you want to show that image in the generated app.(app Tab or Info Tap etc.)
Q ) Do I just download a jpg to the workspace convert extract the RGB channels and then use attach it to the video display block for android? How do I bring the image into the model?
A) Check this example
In this example, task 1 shows how to read from image and extracts R, G, B. Instead of using color detection sub system, directly connect to Video display block. This will show the image on the app screen.
%Reading image
RGB_image = imread('peppers.png') Execute the above command in MATLAB before building the model or add the command in Simulink model :
File -> Model Porperties -> Callbacks ->InitFcn
In constant block, use RGB_image(:,:,1)' to get red, RGB_image(:,:,2)' to get green, RGB_image(:,:,3)' to get blue

Plus de réponses (1)

Matthew Bigelow
Matthew Bigelow le 30 Oct 2018
Hello Sruthi I want it to show on the app tab. I will try your suggestion and get back to you if I have problems. Thankyou


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