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Numerical solution of a trigonometric equation

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
AtoZ le 5 Nov 2018
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 8 Nov 2018

I want to solve the trigonometric equation, so that for each $x$ and $k$ we will have either 0,1 or 2 solutions.


$x$ is a variable, $a$ is real, (a is argument of a complex number) so I take $0<=a<=pi$ and similarly for $k$ I have the condition $0<=k<=pi$. How to solve it numerically? I am unsure whether to use 'solve' or 'vpasolve' or another method. Secondly, I want to visualize the solutions by creating a table of solutions [x,k] and by plotting them. I would do the following in Mathematica

eq[a_, k_, x_] := Sin[k + a] == x*Cos[k];
sol[x_?NumericQ, k_ /; 0 <= k <= Pi] := a /. 
NSolve[{eq[a, k, x], 0 <= a <= Pi}, a, Reals]

and then e.g., sol[0.1,0.1](=2.94193) would give me solution at x=0.1, k=0.1, and so on. Meaning that e.g., for each 'x', we can plot 'a' vs 'k'. and for each 'x' and 'k', we have a number of solutions either 0,1 or 2 etc. How to do it in MATLAB?

  5 commentaires
AtoZ le 5 Nov 2018
it gives an answer
asin(x*cos(k)) - k
pi - k - asin(x*cos(k))
I wanted to see the numerical results, preferably as a table/and or plot. So where can I give the range of values to the parameters?
AtoZ le 5 Nov 2018
e.g., for each x, we can plot a vs k. and for each x and k, we have solutions either 0,1 or 2.

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Réponse acceptée

Torsten le 5 Nov 2018
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 5 Nov 2018
function main
a = fun(0.1,0.1)
function a = fun(x,k)
t = x*cos(k);
if abs(t) <= 1
sol(1) = asin(t) - k;
sol(2) = pi - k - asin(t);
a = sol(sol >=0 & sol <= pi);
a = [];
  14 commentaires
Torsten le 7 Nov 2018
Thanks, Bruno, but equation was here
sin(k+a) = x*cos(k)
I think the OP just wants to experiment a bit with MATLAB.
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong le 7 Nov 2018
Ah OK.

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