Find average for each year

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
akk le 9 Déc 2018
Commenté : dpb le 18 Déc 2018
I have a column of years (yr) and a column of temperatures (temp). Both columns are 100000 data points long. I would like to circulate through all the data to find an average temp for each year (1996-2018). Im still learning how to write for loops. This is what I have so far:
for j=[1996:2018]; %years range from 1996-2018
Thanks for your help!

Réponse acceptée

dpb le 9 Déc 2018
That should work fine excepting you didn't allocate for the different means by year and overwrote the variable meanT on each iteration so all you have in the end is the last year average.
You could do something like:
yr1=min(yr); yr2=max(yr); % find first, last year in vector
meanT=zeros(yr2-yr1+1,1); % allocate vector for each year mean
k=0; % initialize mean storage counter
for j=yr1:yr2 % iterate over the year range found
k=k+1; % increment counter
meanT(k)=mean(temp(yr==j)); % compute mean for the year
NB: don't need find, the logical addressing vector works to return those locations w/o computing the indices explicitly.
This is fine for learning; the "Matlab way" is to use vector operations instead of loops -- investigate putting your data into a timetable and use the retime function to do this almost automagically.
  2 commentaires
akk le 17 Déc 2018
This worked perfect. Thank you! Now, say I wanted to find the monthly averages during each year. For example, Jan 1996, Jan 1997...Jan 2018.
dpb le 18 Déc 2018
See the above comments re: retime and also check out findgroups and splitapply. TMW has done the heavy lifting already...

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