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Solution of given Integration

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Shashibhushan Sharma
Shashibhushan Sharma le 21 Déc 2018
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
Please help to solve the integration given below:
where K1, K2, A, B and C are constants. The dummy variable is x.
  10 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 23 Déc 2018
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson le 24 Déc 2018
It looks to me as if no closed form solution exists for those particular constants. It looks like it comes out as
int(-exp(-6/x)*(exp(-4*x)*(1+4*x+8*x^2+32/3*x^3+32/3*x^4)-1)/x^2,x = 2 .. 30)
or a constant multiple of that.
Shashibhushan Sharma
Shashibhushan Sharma le 24 Déc 2018
Modifié(e) : Shashibhushan Sharma le 24 Déc 2018
I think, it is not possible to solve in closed form.

Réponses (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi le 21 Déc 2018
Modifié(e) : madhan ravi le 21 Déc 2018
gamma = @(A,B) A .* B .* cos( A.*B ) ; % an example how to proceed
A = 4 ;
B = 6 ;
C = 10 ;
fun = @(x) ( gamma( A , B .* x ) .* exp( C ./ x) ) ./ x.^2 ;
K1 = 8 ;
K2 = 13 ;
Result = integral( fun , K1 , K2 )
  1 commentaire
Shashibhushan Sharma
Shashibhushan Sharma le 23 Déc 2018
Modifié(e) : Shashibhushan Sharma le 23 Déc 2018
Thnak for trying to give answer of my question.
But Function should be written as:
fun = @(x) ( gamma(A).*gammainc(B .* x, A ) .* exp( C ./ x) ) ./ x.^2 ;
But I want a closed form solution of this integration.

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