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how do i assign an array to i?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
sharifah shuthairah syed abdullah
Commenté : madhan ravi le 6 Jan 2019
i want to make an array in choosing PP.
1 28702 1 7 5 2 3 9 8 4 11 6 10 12
2 28764 9 2 7 6 3 1 4 5 12 10 11 8
3 36438 4 1 9 2 10 7 12 8 6 3 5 11
4 37192 12 7 10 8 1 9 4 6 5 11 3 2
5 41182 9 4 10 7 1 3 6 8 5 2 11 12
6 43442 4 10 2 3 1 5 6 12 9 8 11 7
7 48650 8 7 1 4 9 10 2 11 12 3 5 6
8 51154 12 2 8 1 3 5 7 4 11 9 6 10
9 51412 10 6 4 2 7 1 8 5 3 12 9 11
10 52796 8 2 4 5 3 6 1 7 12 11 9 10
11 54018 5 4 2 8 7 10 11 3 6 12 1 9
12 65420 6 7 2 8 3 4 12 1 11 9 10 5
cp=0.4; % Crossover Percentage
np=2*round(cp*r/2); % Number of Offsprings (Parents)
% for cycle crossover used p1, p2,p3,p4 saja
p1 = PP(1,:);
p2 = PP(2,:);
p3 = PP(3,:);
p4 = PP(4,:);
instead of doing it manually, p1, p2, p3 and p4.. i want it to be an array so that whevever u change the value i didnt have to write it manually
however i got an error "Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side" when i do it like
for i=1:np
p(i) = PP (i,:);
below is the result of PP
PP =
1. 12 3 9 11 6 10 4 7 5 1 8 2
2. 2 6 9 8 10 11 5 4 12 3 1 7
3. 10 4 2 12 3 8 9 5 1 6 11 7
4. 8 1 10 12 5 9 7 6 11 3 4 2

Réponse acceptée

madhan ravi
madhan ravi le 6 Jan 2019
Modifié(e) : madhan ravi le 6 Jan 2019
P=cell(1,np); % preallocate
for i=1:np
P{i} = PP(i,:);
vertcat(P{:}) % double array
  2 commentaires
sharifah shuthairah syed abdullah
thank you so much.. i didnt know about cell... thank you for telling me
madhan ravi
madhan ravi le 6 Jan 2019
Anytime :)

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