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How to set maximum and minimum limit of signal in MATLAB code.

31 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Usman Taya
Usman Taya le 18 Jan 2019
Modifié(e) : Usman Taya le 20 Jan 2019
I need to set maximum and minimum value of variables. For example,
x3= x1 + x2
maximum value of x1 = 3
minimum value of x1 = 0
maximum value of x2 = 2.5
minimum value of x2 = -1
I didn't understand that how i can implement it in MATLAB codes.

Réponse acceptée

Omer Yasin Birey
Omer Yasin Birey le 18 Jan 2019
Modifié(e) : Omer Yasin Birey le 18 Jan 2019
Hi Usman, you can use one of the codes below. However, I recommend the first one, because no loop is necessary here.
x1Max = 3;
x1Min = 0;
x2Max = 2.5;
x2Min = -1;
x1(x1>x1Max) = x1Max;
x1(x1<x1Min) = x1Min;
x2(x2>x2Max) = x2Max;
x2(x2<x2Min) = x2Min;
x3 = x1 + x2;
x1Max = 3;
x1Min = 0;
x2Max = 2.5;
x2Min = -1;
x3 = zeros(length(x1),1);
for i = 1:length(x1)%or length x2 since they must have the same dimensions.
if x1(i)>x1Max
x1(i) = x1Max;
elseif x1(i)<x1Min
x1(i) = x1Min;
if x2(i)>x2Max
x2(i) = x2Max;
elseif x2(i)<x2Min
x2(i) = x2Min;
x3(i) = x1(i)+x2(i);
  6 commentaires
Omer Yasin Birey
Omer Yasin Birey le 20 Jan 2019
Hi Usman, apparently you haven't assigned any value to x1. It is hard to understand from here what it should have been given to x1, x2 or x3. Is there any text you can share that explains what code should do? So I can understand fully and help.
Usman Taya
Usman Taya le 20 Jan 2019
Modifié(e) : Usman Taya le 20 Jan 2019
Here is my actual code Brother:
x4 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,20.10,386.22,1013.36,1688.74,2685.19,2905.13,3370.94,3730.35, 2232.83,4166.60,4404.63,4853.86,4953.58,3897.27,2996.94,4328.13,4293.91,3655.74,3593.10,3080.08,2633.71,2058.05,1374.24,697.60,213.83,41.52,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
x5 = [3498.91,3506.20,3491.12,3515.54,3490.08,3546.83,3491.12,3631.95,3895.54,3647.16,3498.37,3548.29,3525.54,3415.20,3394.50,3426.41,3413.20,3409.79,6531.87,6317.20,6433.33,6075.83,5983.62,5525.04,5650,5276.16,5885.04,5169.33,5908.37,5376.66,5733.37,5243.58,5792,5384.25,5408.95,5408.66,3662.29,3701.54,3688.41,3648.87,3648.58,3594.5,3521.12,3653.87,3771.70,3767.20,3541.04,3532.16];
E_batt_inst = 80000;
x3Max = 72000;
x3Min = 8000;
x2Min = -5000;
x2Max = 5000;
x1Min = 0;
x1 = zeros(48,1);
x2 = zeros(48,1);
x3 = zeros(48,1);
for i = 1:48
if i<14 && i>40
x1Max = 4500;
elseif i>14 && i<=40
x1Max = 3000;
if i==1
x3 = 40000;
flag = 1;
if x1(i)>x1Max
x1(i) = x1Max;
elseif x1(i)<x1Min
x1(i) = x1Min;
if x2(i)>x2Max
x2(i) = x2Max;
elseif x2(i)<x2Min
x2(i) = x2Min;
if x3(i)>x3Max
x3(i) = x3Max;
elseif x3(i)<x3Min
x3(i) = x3Min;
if (flag == 1)&&(x3 <= 8000)
x2(i)= x5(i) - x4(i)
elseif x2(i)< x5(i) - x4(i)
x1(i)= x5(i) - x4(i) - x2(i)
t = i-1;
x3(i) = x3(t) - (x2(i)/E_batt_inst);
flag = 1;
elseif (x3 >= 72000)
flag = 0;
x2(i)= x5(i) - x4(i)
elseif x2(i)< x5(i) - x4(i)
x1(i)= x5(i) - x4(i) - x2(i)
t = i-1;
x3(i) = x3(t) - (x2(i)/E_batt_inst);
Here x1, x2 and x3 is measured by given equation. x2 is power of battery which is charging and dischargine with respect to maximum and minimum capacity (x3) of battery. x1 is power imported from diesel generator. Battery is not allowed to discharge when its charged and flag = 1. When charging than battery power is in negative (-5000 (x2Min)) while discharge it is positive (5000 (x2Max)). If you want further details than please share your email address so I can email u. or please send me email on ubana50@yahoo.com

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