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Question about Notation for Creating Matrices

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hollis Williams
Hollis Williams le 9 Fév 2019
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 9 Fév 2019
I am currently reading a piece of MATLAB code in which matrices are created, but I am not sure what exactly the notation with commas and colons denotes and was wondering if someone could clarify. I think in the code a matrix A is created and then successive rows and columns are added to it.
So for example, there is a part which is in the form A(i,j) so I take it that means to create a normal i x j matrix, but in the part above there is something in the form A(i,j:k), so exactly what kind of matrix is being created here with the colon in the middle?
  1 commentaire
Stephen23 le 9 Fév 2019
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 9 Fév 2019
"...I am not sure what exactly the notation with commas and colons denotes and was wondering if someone could clarify."
Basic MATLAB concepts, such as the purpose of commas and semi-colons when defining matrices, are explained in the introductory tutorials:
"...but in the part above there is something in the form A(i,j:k), so exactly what kind of matrix is being created here with the colon in the middle?"
Basic MATLAB concepts, such as how to use the colon operator to define vectors and use indexing, are explained in the introductory tutorials:

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madhan ravi
madhan ravi le 9 Fév 2019

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