plotting a linear equation

318 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Andy le 25 Juil 2012
Modifié(e) : DGM le 12 Nov 2024
How do I plot a linear equation y=mx+b?
So let's say I have this:
b0= 3 where b0 is the y-intercept b1= 4 where b1 is the x coefficient
Y= b0-b1*X
How do I plot this?

Réponses (4)

per isakson
per isakson le 25 Juil 2012
b0 = 3;
b1 = 4;
f = @(x) b0-b1*x;
ezplot( f, 0, 5 )
  1 commentaire
Sergio E. Obando
Sergio E. Obando le 12 Nov 2024
Just a note that as of R2016a, ezplot is no longer recommended. If anyone is reading this now, the code would still work or you can update to:
b0 = 3;
b1 = 4;
f = @(x) b0-b1*x;
fplot( f,[0,5])
See fplot for more info.

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Elizabeth le 25 Juil 2012
Modifié(e) : DGM le 12 Nov 2024
By all means, the solution method above will work. However, as your function increases in complexity, that command becomes more and more expensive. Try defining your domain x, then, as a vector:
b0=3; b1=4;
x= linspace(xmin,xmax, n); % Adapt n for resolution of graph
y= b0-b1*x;
  4 commentaires
Nicholas Copsey
Nicholas Copsey le 28 Mar 2020
xmin, xmax, and n are things you can change in the code for various views of the graph
DGM le 12 Nov 2024
To clarify:
% curve parameters
b0 = 3; % y-intercept
b1 = 4; % (negative) slope
% define x
xmin = 0; % pick these as needed
xmax = 1;
n = 100; % number of samples
x = linspace(xmin,xmax, n);
% calculate y from x
y = b0 - b1*x;

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Ben Le
Ben Le le 9 Déc 2015
Modifié(e) : DGM le 12 Nov 2024
b0 = 3;
b1 = 4;
% You can choose any range of x. In this case I chose x is from -50 to +50
x = -50:50;
y = b0 - b1*x;

Andy le 25 Juil 2012
How do I get that into the same graphs? I have points for my data and the equation above is the linear regression. Ezplot gave me two graphs. :(. I want both the points and the linear equation graphed in one figure.
  1 commentaire
Elizabeth le 25 Juil 2012
use the 'hold on' command

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