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Plot 3 with data set and one equation

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Redwood le 13 Fév 2019
Commenté : Redwood le 13 Fév 2019
Dear all.
I have data set for EQ and lamda, and I have one equations about C.
I would like to make a figure using plot3 or surf. Please let me know how to to it.
Thank you very much in advance.
Sincerely yours,
EQ lamda
0.7835 0.118
0.7939 0.115
0.8043 0.1121
0.8148 0.1093
0.8254 0.1066
0.8360 0.104
0.8468 0.1014
0.8577 0.0989
0.8687 0.1347
0.8799 0.1195
0.8911 0.1066
0.9024 0.0845
ep = 1;
gam1 = 0.3;
eta11 = 0.001;
eta21 = 0.003;
A = gam1+gam1*eta11-1;
C = (ep*eta11)^((gam1*eta11)/A)*EQ.^((-gam1*eta21)/A)*lamda.^(1/A);
Plot3(EQ,lamda, C);
Surf(EQ, lamda, C);

Réponses (1)

KSSV le 13 Fév 2019
A= [ 0.7835 0.118
0.7939 0.115
0.8043 0.1121
0.8148 0.1093
0.8254 0.1066
0.8360 0.104
0.8468 0.1014
0.8577 0.0989
0.8687 0.1347
0.8799 0.1195
0.8911 0.1066
0.9024 0.0845 ] ;
EQ = A(:,1) ;
lamda = A(:,2) ;
[EQ,lamda] = meshgrid(EQ,lamda) ;
ep = 1;
gam1 = 0.3;
eta11 = 0.001;
eta21 = 0.003;
A = gam1+gam1*eta11-1;
C = (ep*eta11).^((gam1*eta11)/A)*EQ.^((-gam1*eta21)/A)*lamda.^(1/A);
surf(EQ,lamda, C);
  1 commentaire
Redwood le 13 Fév 2019
Dear KSSV,
Thank you very much for your answer..
I tried to make a figure, and I found that C value are the same, there is no change at all.
I would like to fix this problem. I deeply appreciate your help again.
Sincerely yours,

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