How to interpolate in 3d?

28 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Shubham Mohan Tatpalliwar
Shubham Mohan Tatpalliwar le 18 Fév 2019
Commenté : Akira Agata le 21 Fév 2019
I have a matrix in 100 distane and 10 distance which i want to interpolate to 1
but as it is a matrix i want to interpolate in 3D
I have tried it interpolating in 2D and getting some irregularities in the which can be seen in attached picture
The 2D code is as follows
[num] = xlsread('Mappe2.xlsx') ;
n = 860;
B = interp1(1:size(num1, 2), num1.', linspace(1, size(num1, 2), n));
n = 250;
B1 = interp1(1:size(B, 2), B.', linspace(1, size(B, 2), n));
How to code further to avoid these irregularities?
I have also attached the Excel file feom the code

Réponse acceptée

Akira Agata
Akira Agata le 19 Fév 2019
You can use scatteredInterpolant to do this task. The following is an example.
% Read data file
Data = xlsread('Mappe2.xlsx') ;
% Adjust data to grid data format
x = Data(1,2:end);
y = Data(2:end,1);
[xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid(x,y);
zGrid = Data(2:end,2:end);
% Apply scatteredInterpolant function
idx = isnan(zGrid(:));
F = scatteredInterpolant(xGrid(~idx),yGrid(~idx),zGrid(~idx),...
% Interpolation (linear) and Extrapolation (linear)
zGridInterp = F(xGrid,yGrid);
% Show the result
'EdgeColor', 'none',...
'FaceColor', 'interp')
  4 commentaires
Shubham Mohan Tatpalliwar
Shubham Mohan Tatpalliwar le 21 Fév 2019
no i want x=1:1:8500 and y=1:1:240
Akira Agata
Akira Agata le 21 Fév 2019
OK, that's a piece of cake.
I have slightly modified to do that. I hope this will be some help!
% Read data file
Data = xlsread('Mappe2.xlsx');
Data = Data';
% Adjust data to grid data format
x = Data(1,2:end);
y = Data(2:end,1);
[xGrid, yGrid] = meshgrid(x,y);
zGrid = Data(2:end,2:end);
% Apply scatteredInterpolant function
idx = isnan(zGrid(:));
F = scatteredInterpolant(xGrid(~idx),yGrid(~idx),zGrid(~idx),...
% New grid
[xGrid2, yGrid2] = meshgrid(1:8500,1:240);
% Interpolation (linear) and Extrapolation (linear)
zGridInterp = F(xGrid2,yGrid2);
% Show the result
'EdgeColor', 'none',...
'FaceColor', 'interp')

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