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How to sum multiple matrice in loop ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Anne-Laure GUINET
Anne-Laure GUINET le 19 Fév 2019
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 20 Fév 2019
Hi everybody,
I would like to sum multiple matrice using a loop.
I attach my data.
So, I have a multiple 4D double structure, that contains 4x4x32x12 matrices.
I would like to sum all the matrices according the last argument to obtain 12 matrices which are the sum of the 32 matrices (in my code i = 1:12 ; j = 1:32).
I think I have to use a loop.
Is anybody could help me?
-- AL

Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 19 Fév 2019
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 19 Fév 2019
Is this what you want?
result = squeeze(sum(T3,3));
If not please clarify what the dimensions of the final result should be.
  2 commentaires
Anne-Laure GUINET
Anne-Laure GUINET le 20 Fév 2019
The dimension of the final matrice is correct 4x4x12 but it doens't correspond to the addition of all matrices.
I try to explain in other words. I would like to realize an addition of the first 32, and next 32 etc... and stock this result in a new 4x4x12 matrice.
Matt J
Matt J le 20 Fév 2019
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 20 Fév 2019
That is what I believe I gave you...
If we index the array as T(i,j,m,n) are we summing across m or something else?

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