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Problems with the connector in application example "Design an Internally Matched Ultra-wideband Vivaldi Antenna"

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I am developing a vivaldi antenna for a radar design with which I am working. I followed the example of the application Designing an internal bandband Vivaldi antenna with internal pairing and everything works fine, except when I tried to place an SMA connector on the board. The problem is that I did not find in the documentation any command or function to indicate to matlab where to place my connector. I assumed that with the feed location created, the sma connector takes these parameters as input, but this was not the case. I attach the images that I have generated directly from the gerber files. As seen in the images, it seems that there is no capacitive connection and, in addition, I would say that the connector is upside down. The other option I have is to import the gerber files directly to Keysight ADS and solve this issue directly on it. Thank you in advance.

Réponse acceptée

Vishwanath Iyer
Vishwanath Iyer le 28 Fév 2019
Hi Oscar,
Thanks for posting this question and highlighting this issue. May I suggest that prior to generating the Gerber files, swap the top and bottom layers in the pcbStack object. As an example, if the name of the pcbStack antenna object is x
,then make a copy of the contents of the Layers property and swap (I assume that the second layer is dielectric here):
L = x.Layers;
x.Layers{1} = L{3};
x.Layers{3} = L{1};
Now proceed as before with the Gerber file generation.
Hope this helps.
Warm regards,
  1 commentaire
Oscar le 9 Mar 2019
Thank you, for your quick response.
I will try it, but I will do as well with ADS. Regards,
Oscar Romeu

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