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Combine RGB image and thermal image

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Fabio Corres
Fabio Corres le 3 Mar 2019
Commenté : Fabio Corres le 4 Mar 2019
Hey there,
I have 2 image one is RGB image the other one is its thermal version. I wanted to combine those 2 images. Thermal areas should be stay original RGB colors. In literature is there any special keyword to this operation. I search it on the IEEXPLORE and i didn't find it. I wanted to see some algoritms to implement it.
  2 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 3 Mar 2019
There are an infinite number of ways you could "combine" them. For example you could add them, subtract them, divide them, etc. There is not just one way to combine them so until you explain what "combine" means to you, no one can answer.
The only way to "combine them" and have the thermal image "stay original" pseudocolored image colors is to not have the visible light image show up at all in the combination.
Fabio Corres
Fabio Corres le 4 Mar 2019
Thanks for the answer, i think merge is the right word to explain this operation. I found some articles and algorithms based on "Curvelet Transform" and it is good start for me.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 4 Mar 2019
combinedImage = RGBImage;
mask = repmat(ThermalImage >= some_threshold, 1, 1, 3);
combinedImage(mask) = repmat(ThermalImage(mask), 1, 1, 3);

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