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How to modify this "for" loop so it can read maximum Y value instead of X?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I have this code that reads maximum X value and its corresponding Y value, and prints all results (Y values) in one file.
I just need to modify this code, so it can read the maximum Y value.
For example, for the following set of data:
1 2
2 16
3 9
4 15
The code reads 4 (as the maximum X value) and prints 15 (as the corresponding Y value to the maximum X).
However, I need the modified code to just read and print 16 (as the maximum Y value).
The code:
S = dir('*.out');
C = natsortfiles({S.name});
N = numel(C);
g = 10;
Z = nan(g,1);
for k = 1:N/g
for j = 1:g;
data = load(C{10*(k-1)+j});
[~,idx] = max(data(:,1));
Z(j) = data(idx,2);

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 4 Mar 2019
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson le 4 Mar 2019
max(data(:,2)) instead of max(data(:,1)) . And on the next line assign from data(idx,1) instead of data(idx,2) if you want the corresponding X value, or leave it as-is if you want the y value.
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 4 Mar 2019
S = dir('*.out');
C = natsortfiles({S.name});
N = numel(C);
g = 10;
for k = 1:N/g
Z = nan(g,1);
for j = 1:g;
data = load(C{10*(k-1)+j});
Z(j) = max(data(:,2));
Ismail Qeshta
Ismail Qeshta le 4 Mar 2019
Modifié(e) : Ismail Qeshta le 4 Mar 2019
Hi Walter,
Great. Now it works well. Thank you very much.
Yes. It is acutally the second line. It should be Z(j) = data(idx,2) instead of Z(j) = data(idx,1) because we need to read and print Y not X.
Thank you again for your time and help.

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