Solving for a variable with varying parameters in the sum

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jigsaw le 21 Mar 2019
Commenté : Jigsaw le 22 Mar 2019
being the unknown variable, how to initialize and write the following equation in matlab script containing varying paramters.
(n = 0,1,2,...)
  2 commentaires
Kevin Phung
Kevin Phung le 21 Mar 2019
What have you tried?
Jigsaw le 22 Mar 2019
Tried implementing using symbolic variables. It gets complicated and confusing considering the summation and varying m as well as n values.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 21 Mar 2019
You cannot. That describes an infinite summation where you need to solve all infinite I_m values.
You cannot truncate it because truncation would imply that if you were to make some I_m indefinitely big for some "large" m, that it would not make a substantial difference to the summation -- but clearly if you know the a_m c_m_n R_m_n values then you can create a corresponding I_m value that overwhelms any previous sum you might have had.
  3 commentaires
Jigsaw le 22 Mar 2019
What about if instead of a finite number was used, like so:
(n = 0,1,2,...)
As or your second comment, , and have known relations but contain varying parameters too. For example \alpha_m from the above equation = , where π and a are known constants.
Torsten le 22 Mar 2019
How do you intend to exclude the trivial solution I_m = 0 for all m ?

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