Simulation of PID without simulink

14 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Maksym Zawrotny
Maksym Zawrotny le 9 Avr 2019
Commenté : Ful0 le 26 Avr 2021
I am trying to simulate a plant and I cannot simulate output of PID controller. I got PID object by
pidtude(sys, type)
Method returned me a discrete time PID controller just as I wanted, but the problem is that
y = lsim(sys, u)
function cannot be used to simulate response of improper transfer function systems. Is there any other method which can I use to simulate response of pid object knowing input vector? I prefer not using simulink.
Thank you,
Maksym Zawrotny

Réponse acceptée

David Wilson
David Wilson le 9 Avr 2019
It's unusual to just simulate a PID controller, and yes the D-part typically makes it non-proper. Without adding a fast denominator term or two, this is an ill-advised thing to do.
You can of course simulate the PID & plant, say either with Gc*Gp or using series.
  2 commentaires
Maksym Zawrotny
Maksym Zawrotny le 9 Avr 2019
Modifié(e) : Maksym Zawrotny le 9 Avr 2019
Thank you, combining transfer functions together made the thing. Another solution is to model PID controller D-action with inertial denominator term.
Ful0 le 26 Avr 2021
Can I use a PID controller on Matlab without using Simulink?
I can't find information about that: everything seems referred to Simulink.
Can you help me suggesting me some links, please?
Thank you

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