Reading out rows with for loop

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Martijn Roks
Martijn Roks le 14 Avr 2019
Commenté : Stephen23 le 14 Avr 2019
I have a question about how to get the rows seperated from the cell with a for loop. I want the rows from the value Data seperated and each row in a seperat value
So that I get :
Row1 = row 1 from Data
Row2= row 2 from Data
I want that Row1 etc comes to my workspace, so that I can use it later on
Here is the code that I wrote and the problem is with the for loop with j:
clear all;
board= arduino();
finishup= onCleanup(@() exitprogram(board));
disp('press Ctr-C to exit');
for i= 1:1:10
analog= readVoltage (board, 'A0');
writePWMVoltage (board, 'D3', analog);
disp(['analog= ', num2str(analog)]);
A(i)= analog;
b= b+1;
B(i)= b;
A= A';
handles.Data= table([B],[A]);
Data0= table2cell(handles.Data);
for j=1:1:10
Row(j)= Data0 ((j):(j),:);
  1 commentaire
Stephen23 le 14 Avr 2019
@Martijn Roks: please upload your data (as it is stored in MATLAB memory).
"So that I get :"
Row1 = ...
Row2= ...
I wound not recommend naming variables like that. Read this to know why:

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