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MCR and version update

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Alexander le 15 Août 2012
Hello, I have a problem with compiled program in MatLab. To be more precise we have 2 laptops with MatLab installed. One has compiler; another - not. We have created and compiled application on one and used it on another. This was done on MatLab 2011a version. No additional installation to the second laptop were required (i.e. we din't install MCR on it). After that we have update version on MatLab to 2012a on both laptops. On the one without compiler the compiled file doesn't work any more. It claims that there are no MCR of appropriate version. I have even recompiled the application on 2012a version of MatLab but it didn't help to run it on the second laptop. Could you please help me understanding why it requires new version of MCR? It seems easy to install MCR but in requires admin rights and such things are overregulated in our company.
Thank you in advance

Réponse acceptée

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer le 15 Août 2012
does the installation of R2012a MATLAB on the second laptop also included installing the Compiler? A MATLAB installation can be used as substitute for installing the MCR only if the compiler was installed as well. A "naked" MATLAB can't be used as MCR ...
  1 commentaire
Alexander le 15 Août 2012
Hi Titus,
Very glad to see answer from you :)
Yes, what you wrote answers the question. There is no compiler on the second laptop. Strange that I had different impression and even though that we were running previously without MCR on it.
Regards, Alexander

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