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Effacer les filtres

error: no matching constructor for initialization of ... and mexFunction

12 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Chiheb Ben Hammouda
Chiheb Ben Hammouda le 14 Mai 2019
I am trying to wrap a C++ code in matlab using mex interface. However, when following the existing examples about how to construct the mexFunction, I encountred some issues. One of them when I want to call the second constructor of my class (no default one) then I got the following error when I compile
C___class_interface/RBergomiST.cpp:300:30: error: no
matching constructor for initialization of 'RBergomiST'
RBergomiST_instance=RBergomiST(x, HIn, e, r,t, k, NIn, MIn);
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The code I am using is the following. Any help please?
#include "class_handle.hpp"
#include "RBergomiST.h"
#include "mex.h"
RBergomiST::RBergomiST() {
N = 0;
M = 0;
nDFT = 0;
par = ParamTot();
xC = new fftw_complex[0];
xHat = new fftw_complex[0];
yC = new fftw_complex[0];
yHat = new fftw_complex[0];
zC = new fftw_complex[0];
zHat = new fftw_complex[0];
// seed is optional
RBergomiST::RBergomiST(double x, Vector HIn, Vector e, Vector r, Vector t,
Vector k, int NIn, long MIn){
//std::vector<uint64_t> seed = std::vector<uint64_t>(0)) {
// Some safety tests/asserts?
N = NIn;
nDFT = 2 * N - 1;
M = MIn;
//numThreads = numThreadsIn;
par = ParamTot(HIn, e, r, t, k, x);
xC = new fftw_complex[nDFT];
xHat = new fftw_complex[nDFT];
yC = new fftw_complex[nDFT];
yHat = new fftw_complex[nDFT];
zC = new fftw_complex[nDFT];
zHat = new fftw_complex[nDFT];
fPlanX = fftw_plan_dft_1d(nDFT, xC, xHat, FFTW_FORWARD,
fPlanY = fftw_plan_dft_1d(nDFT, yC, yHat, FFTW_FORWARD,
fPlanZ = fftw_plan_dft_1d(nDFT, zHat, zC, FFTW_BACKWARD,
// delete allocated arrays
RBergomiST::~RBergomiST() {
delete[] xC;
delete[] xHat;
delete[] yC;
delete[] yHat;
delete[] zC;
delete[] zHat;
// Note that Wtilde[0] = 0!
void RBergomiST::updateWtilde(Vector& Wtilde, const Vector& W1, const Vector& W1perp, double H) {
Vector Gamma(N);
getGamma(Gamma, H);
double s2H = sqrt(2.0 * H);
double rhoH = s2H / (H + 0.5);
Vector W1hat = linearComb(rhoH / s2H, W1, sqrt(1.0 - rhoH * rhoH) / s2H,
Vector Y2(N); // see R code
// Convolve W1 and Gamma
// Copy W1 and Gamma to complex arrays
copyToComplex(W1, xC);
copyToComplex(Gamma, yC);
// DFT both
fftw_execute(fPlanX); // DFT saved in xHat[0]
fftw_execute(fPlanY); // DFT saved in yHat[0]
// multiply xHat and yHat and save in zHat
complexMult(xHat, yHat, zHat);
// inverse DFT zHat
// read out the real part, re-scale by 1/nDFT
copyToReal(Y2, zC);
scaleVector(Y2, 1.0 / nDFT);
// Wtilde = (Y2 + W1hat) * sqrt(2*H) * dt^H ??
Wtilde = linearComb(sqrt(2.0 * H) * pow(1.0 / N, H), Y2,
sqrt(2.0 * H) * pow(1.0 / N, H), W1hat);
void RBergomiST::scaleWtilde(Vector& WtildeScaled, const Vector& Wtilde,
double T, double H) const {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
WtildeScaled[i] = pow(T, H) * Wtilde[i];
void RBergomiST::scaleZ(Vector& ZScaled, const Vector& Z, double sdt) const {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
ZScaled[i] = sdt * Z[i];
void RBergomiST::updateV(Vector& v, const Vector& WtildeScaled, double h,
double e, double dt) const {
v[0] = par.xi();
for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i)
v[i] = par.xi() * exp(
e * WtildeScaled[i - 1] - 0.5 * e * e
* pow((i - 1) * dt, 2 * h));
void RBergomiST::getGamma(Vector& Gamma, double H) const {
double alpha = H - 0.5;
Gamma[0] = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i)
Gamma[i] = (pow(i + 1.0, alpha + 1.0) - pow(i, alpha + 1.0)) / (alpha
+ 1.0);
void RBergomiST::copyToComplex(const Vector& x, fftw_complex* xc) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
xc[i][0] = x[i]; // real part
xc[i][1] = 0.0; // imaginary part
// fill up with 0es
for (size_t i = x.size(); i < nDFT; ++i) {
xc[i][0] = 0.0; // real part
xc[i][1] = 0.0; // imaginary part
void RBergomiST::copyToReal(Vector& x, const fftw_complex* xc) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
x[i] = xc[i][0]; // real part
void RBergomiST::complexMult(const fftw_complex* x, const fftw_complex* y,
fftw_complex* z) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDFT; ++i)
fftw_c_mult(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
void RBergomiST::fftw_c_mult(const fftw_complex a, const fftw_complex b,
fftw_complex c) {
c[0] = a[0] * b[0] - a[1] * b[1];
c[1] = a[0] * b[1] + a[1] * b[0];
long RBergomiST::getM() const {
return M;
void RBergomiST::setM(long m) {
M = m;
int RBergomiST::getN() const {
return N;
void RBergomiST::setN(int n) {
N = n;
double RBergomiST::getXi() const {
return par.xi();
double RBergomiST::intVdt(const Vector & v, double dt) const
return dt * std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0.0);
double RBergomiST::intRootVdW(const Vector & v, const Vector & W1, double sdt) const
double IsvdW = 0.0;
for(size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
IsvdW += sqrt(v[i]) * sdt * W1[i];
return IsvdW;
double RBergomiST::updatePayoff(long i, Vector& Wtilde,
Vector& WtildeScaled, const Vector& W1, const Vector& W1perp, Vector& v){
double dt = par.T(i) / N;
double sdt = sqrt(dt);
bool update = par.HTrigger(i);
if (update)
updateWtilde(Wtilde, W1, W1perp, par.H(i));
// check if T has changed. If so, Wtilde and the time increment need re-scaling
update = update || par.TTrigger(i);
if (update) {
scaleWtilde(WtildeScaled, Wtilde, par.T(i), par.H(i));
// check if eta has changed. If so, v needs to be updated
update = update || par.etaTrigger(i);
if (update)
updateV(v, WtildeScaled, par.H(i), par.eta(i), dt);
// now compute \int v_s ds, \int \sqrt{v_s} dW_s with W = W1
double Ivdt = intVdt(v, dt);
double IsvdW = intRootVdW(v, W1, sdt);
// now compute the payoff by inserting properly into the BS formula
double BS_vol = sqrt((1.0 - par.rho(i)*par.rho(i)) * Ivdt);
//double BS_vol = sqrt((1.0 - par.rho(i)*par.rho(i)) * Ivdt*0.5); //I think there is a factor of sqrt(0.5) missing, need to check this
double BS_spot = exp( - 0.5 * par.rho(i)*par.rho(i) * Ivdt + par.rho(i) * IsvdW );
return BS_call_price(BS_spot, par.K(i), 1.0, BS_vol);
double RBergomiST::ComputePayoffRT_single(const Vector & W1, const Vector & W1perp){
Vector Wtilde(N);
Vector WtildeScaled(N); // Wtilde scaled according to time
Vector v(N);
double payoff = updatePayoff(0, Wtilde, WtildeScaled, W1, W1perp, v);
return payoff;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
// Get the command string
//Declare variables for the input arguments.
double x;
x= mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);
double *HIn;
HIn= mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
double *e;
e= mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
double *r;
r= mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
double *t;
t= mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
double *k;
k= mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
int NIn;
NIn= mxGetN(prhs[6]);
long MIn;
MIn= mxGetN(prhs[7]);
// if (nrhs==0){
// plhs[0]= convertPtr2Mat<RBergomiST>(new RBergomiST);
// return;
// }
// Get the command string
char cmd[64];
if (nrhs < 1 || mxGetString(prhs[0], cmd, sizeof(cmd)))
mexErrMsgTxt("First input should be a command string less than 64 characters long.");
// New
if (!strcmp("new", cmd)) {
// Check parameters
if (nlhs != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("New: One output expected.");
// Return a handle to a new C++ instance
plhs[0] = convertPtr2Mat<RBergomiST>(new RBergomiST);
// Check there is a second input, which should be the class instance handle
if (nrhs < 2)
mexErrMsgTxt("Second input should be a class instance handle.");
// Delete
if (!strcmp("delete", cmd)) {
// Destroy the C++ object
// Warn if other commands were ignored
if (nlhs != 0 || nrhs != 2)
mexWarnMsgTxt("Delete: Unexpected arguments ignored.");
// Get the class instance pointer from the second input
RBergomiST* RBergomiST_instance = convertMat2Ptr<RBergomiST>(prhs[1]);
if(nrhs==8) {
RBergomiST_instance=convertMat2Ptr<RBergomiST>(RBergomiST(x, HIn, e, r,t, k, NIn, MIn));
  2 commentaires
Guillaume le 14 Mai 2019
Modifié(e) : Guillaume le 14 Mai 2019
I would suspect that Vector is not typedef'd to double* so the type of Hin, e, etc. don't match that of your constructor. You haven't shown what Vector is defined as.
Note that since R2018a, matlab has a direct interface to C++ which would be better than using the C mex interface.
edit: fixed link
Chiheb Ben Hammouda
Chiheb Ben Hammouda le 14 Mai 2019
Regarding Vector I do know how to convert it in this context and it is defined as such
typedef std::vector<double> Vector;
How can I do it directly without mex? I think the link that you put is wrong!

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Réponses (1)

Guillaume le 14 Mai 2019
I've fixed the link in comment. Note that you would still use mex, but the C++ mex interface instead of the C interface.
Regardless of the interface, you cannot pass a pointer to a matlab array (whose memory is controlled by matlab) to a function that expects a std::vector (whose memory is controlled by the vector allocator).
You could change the signature of your constructor so it accepts double pointers (and size), or better the mxArray if using C mex. If using the C++ mex interface, you'd change the signature to accept a matlab::data::TypedArray<T> which is closer to a std::vector but let matlab manage the memory. Either way, you'll have to change the signature of all the functions that need these as inputs.
The other option is to construct the vectors form your mxArray / matlab::data::TypedArray<T>. The disadvantage of this option is that you'd be copying all the arrays (maybe not a bad thing)
So something like, (warning: my C++ is very rusty!)
Using C mex:
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
//You're missing any kind of input validation. Your code will crash matlab if it receives incorrect inputs
//Add input validation!
double x = mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);
mxArray HinArr = prhs[1];
std::vector<double> Hin = std::vector<double>(mxGetDoubles(HinArr), mxGetDoubles(HinArr) + mxGetNumberOfElements(HinArr));
Using C++ mex:
class MexFunction : public matlab::mex::Function {
void operator()(matlab::mex::ArgumentList outputs, matlab::mex::ArgumentList inputs) {
//add input validation
//fetch x
matlab::data::TypedArray<double> HinArr = std::move(inputs[1]);
std::vector<double> Hin = std::vector<double>(HinArr.begin, HinArr.end);
  1 commentaire
Chiheb Ben Hammouda
Chiheb Ben Hammouda le 25 Mai 2019
I tried this using mex and I got an error indicating
error: variable has incomplete type 'mxArray' (aka 'mxArray_tag')
mxArray HinArr = prhs[1];

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