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I want to solve a non linear equation for an unkown parameter phi0.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar le 27 Mai 2019
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
This equation represents the electronuetrality condition where LHS is the no. of electrons withdrown from the volume of a spherical grain and RHS is the elerons trapped at the surface of the spherical grain.
Where V is the volume of the sphere (I assume this has to be mentioned in spherical cordinates; volume integral or triple integration over the limits of grain size of diameter 20 nm).
Nd = 1e24;
e = 1e-12;
r = 50*1e-9;
R = 20*1e-9;
Et_Ef = 0.8*1.6*1e-19;
K = 1.3807e-23;
T = 600;
Nt = 1e15;
q = 1.6*e-19;
Ld = 14 *e-9
I want to reproduce these kind of relationship between phi0 and Nt parameters. This can be done by solving the above mentioned equation univocally to get phi0.

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