Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

detailed fir1 algorithm description

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Clemens Klöck
Clemens Klöck le 24 Juin 2019
Commenté : John D'Errico le 24 Juin 2019
Hi, I read the help of fir1. I would like to know how fir1 exactly design the filter. There is only 1 sentence for the algorithm description. Kind regards, Clemens
  1 commentaire
John D'Errico
John D'Errico le 24 Juin 2019
Sorry. Code provided in tools that is in compiled form is not readable. If the function is an m-file, then just look at the code. (I don't have that toolbox to know which case this is.) But MathWorks does not give out the details you seem to want on code as written, and that code may change anyway, and then they would have information posted online that is incorrect. Unless you find what you want in the help/doc for the function, or in any references provided, or you can read the code itself, then there is no answer to your question possible,

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