Plot hovering over curve to get values in an Array Plot (Simulink)

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mark le 10 Juil 2019
Commenté : Mark le 19 Juil 2019
Hi community,
short question here. I'm doing a FFT analysis in Simulink with array plot as indication system. Is there a certain setting, I may have not found, to hover over the curve/plot to get the values like in a Matlab figure. I know there is the possibility to show peaks but with many peaks it gets quite chaotic.
Thanks in advance!

Réponse acceptée

Jyotsna Talluri
Jyotsna Talluri le 19 Juil 2019
In order to get the values from the plot in simulink, enable the screen cursors in the cursor measurements settings of the scope window. By moving along the cursors, values will be displayed

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