How exactly should I use open_system to open a Simulink block by using a call operation with 'handles' instead of a particular Simulink file name in GUI?

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hello people,
I am stuck in my following code because I cannot find out any solution to make a Simulink object, defined in 'open_system', valid in a push button tagged 'networkselector' of my GUI. 'handles.baseFileName' is the chosen file, which I succeeded to open by clicking another push button in an open file window, but I don't know how to use the call operation with 'handles' in 'open_system' correctly to be able to open the Simulink block named 'NetworkSelector' in that file. Also I hope that you help me in this issue.
Thank you very much in advance!
% push button to open a Simulink file
function open_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
startingFolder = 'C:\Users\xxx\Documents'
if ~exist(startingFolder, 'dir')
% If that folder doesn't exist, just start in the current folder.
startingFolder = pwd;
% Get the name of the mat file that the user wants to use.
defaultFileName = fullfile(startingFolder, '*.slx')
[handles.baseFileName, folder] = uigetfile(defaultFileName, 'Select a Simulink file')
if handles.baseFileName == 0
% User clicked the Cancel button.
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, handles.baseFileName)
[name] = fileparts(fullFileName)
open_system(fullfile('C:\Users\xxx\Documents', handles.baseFileName), 'tab')
guidata( hObject, handles )
% push button to open a Simulink block named NetworkSelector
function networkselector_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
guidata( hObject, handles )

Réponses (1)

Abhilash Padma
Abhilash Padma le 29 Juil 2019
I understand that you want to open a block of a model from GUI and you are using open_system function. In order to open a block of a model, the model should be loaded into memory first. I thinkNetworkSelector” is the name of the block, so you should append the string “/NetworkSelector” to the variable “handles.baseFileName” . Use the following two lines of code in networkselector_Callback function which may solve your problem.
open_system([handles.baseFileName /NetworkSelector]);
You can refer the following links for more information:
  1 commentaire
OK le 29 Juil 2019
firstly thank you very much for your answer to try to solve my problem. I found out the solution by getting suggestions in StackOverFlow before, which I want to share with you and other Mathworks users as well.
First step: I removed the extension of the chosen file, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to adress the Simulink subsystem properly. I mean that handle.baseFileName should be called f.e. 'SimulinkFile/NetworkSelector' instead of 'SimulinkFile.slx/NetworkSelector'. This following code example let me do it:
[pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(handles.baseFileName);
newFilename = fullfile( pathstr, name );
Second step: I used open_system like you suggested in your answer, but I did it by giving a variable named 'str' in the following code, because it wouldn't work otherwise:
str = [newFilename,'/NetworkSelector']
Also the whole solution inside 'networkselector_Callback' seems like:
function networkselector_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to networkselector (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA
[pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(handles.baseFileName);
newFilename = fullfile( pathstr, name );
str = [newFilename,'/NetworkSelector']
guidata( hObject, handles )

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