Problem with parfor classified variable
2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Stefano Maffei
le 30 Juil 2019
Commenté : Stefano Maffei
le 5 Août 2019
I am trying to parallelize a for loop. Here is a minimal working example of what I am trying to do at the moment.
nx = 96;
ny = nx;
Tk_all = zeros(nx,ny);
Tkp_all = zeros(2*kmax+1,kmax+1,nx,ny);
dim2 = 31;
dim3 = 31;
kmax = min(dim2,dim3);
c = parcluster('local');
c.NumWorkers = 24;
parpool(c, c.NumWorkers);
for kxi=-kmax:kmax
parfor kyi=0:kmax
Tk_entry = kxi*kyi*ones(nx,ny); % should be something more meaningful
Tk_all(nx/2+(kxi-1)+1,ny/2+(kyi-1)+1) = sum(reshape(Tk_entry,nx*ny,1));
Tkp_all(kmax+1+(kxi-1)+1,1+(kyi-1)+1,:,:) = Tk_entry;
Tk_all(nx/2-(kxi-1)+1,ny/2-([0:kmax]-1)+1) = Tk_all(nx/2+(kxi-1)+1,ny/2+([0:kmax]-1)+1);
and I receive the error
Error: The variable Tk_all in a parfor cannot be classified.
I though I was satisfying the requirements from, for example here:
but clearly I am missing something. Any help?
I apologize if this question seems to be a duplicate of other existing questions, but I cannot seem to figure out my specific problem.
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Réponse acceptée
Abhilash Padma
le 2 Août 2019
The variable Tk_alland Tkp_all are not meeting the requirements of a sliced variable. For a sliced variable, exactly one indexing expression must be of the form i, i+k, i-k, or k+i. The index i is the loop variable and k is a scalar integer constant or a simple (non-indexed) broadcast variable. Every other indexing expression is a positive integer constant, a simple (non-indexed) broadcast variable, a nested for-loop index variable, colon, or end. The following code will work in your case:
nx = 96;
ny = nx;
Tk_all = zeros(nx,ny);
dim2 = 31;
dim3 = 31;
kmax = min(dim2,dim3);
Tkp_all = zeros(2*kmax+1,kmax+1,nx,ny);
c = parcluster('local');
c.NumWorkers = 24;
parpool(c, c.NumWorkers);
for kxi=-kmax:kmax
parfor kyi=0:kmax
Tk_entry = kxi*kyi*ones(nx,ny); % should be something more meaningful
Tk_all(k1,k2+kyi) = 1;
Tkp_all(k3,1+kyi,:,:) = Tk_entry;
Tk_all(nx/2-(kxi-1)+1,ny/2-((0:kmax)-1)+1) = Tk_all(nx/2+(kxi-1)+1,ny/2+((0:kmax)-1)+1);
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En savoir plus sur Parallel for-Loops (parfor) dans Help Center et File Exchange
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