Linking two push buttons in Matlab GUI

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mahdi Ghourchian
Mahdi Ghourchian le 12 Août 2019
Modifié(e) : Mahdi Ghourchian le 26 Août 2019
Hi every one.I have a question about push buttons in Gui.
I have imported an image of a car in GUI and on this image exist different push buttons which are responsible for different information of this car.
every time that the operator click on any push buttons the various information will be showned in a tabe.
Now i want to define a new push button as 'shift push button'.And this button is responsible to change the position of any push button that i click on it.
How can i do it?
How can i define a function for each buttons that they change their position and set a new position on this image
  5 commentaires
Adam le 14 Août 2019
You can implement drag and drop in some way or other using the WindowButtonMotionFcn I'm sure, though how you would trigger it and what kind of cursor you could put on screen while doing it I don't know. The actual moving in a way that replicates drag and drop does not seem to present too many challenges though.
Mahdi Ghourchian
Mahdi Ghourchian le 14 Août 2019
But for drag and drop i have to use static text.
If I use static text, how can i define a function for each static text that shows also the indiveduall informations of each static text when the operator click on it and it will be illustrated on the table(the right side of foto)?????

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Réponses (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 14 Août 2019
Modifié(e) : Adam Danz le 14 Août 2019
Here is a complete demo you can run that allows you to drag-and-drop any GUI object that is assigned a KeyPress and KeyRelease function. Just copy the code to an m file and run it.
Instructions at the top describe how to avoid invoking a button's callback function when it is selected to be repositioned. In short, once the object is active (most recently selected), position the mouse over the object, hold down 'd' (or whatever other activation key you want to assign) and the object's position will be yoked with the mouse cursor until the activation key is relased. To undo the most recent repositioning, select the figure background and press escape.
See comments within the code for more detail.
% DEMO: how to create drag-and-drop placement of objects within a GUI
% after the GUI is created.
% First a GUI is created with two simple objects.
% Each object is assigned a KeyPress and KeyRelease function. When the
% object is the active object and the activation key is presed, the
% object goes into drag mode and its position follows the mouse until
% the activation button is released. In order for an object to be
% active you must first select it with your mouse. In order to not
% invoke a buttonDown callback function during drag-and-drop, you must
% follow this order:
% 1) select the object by clicking on it and holding down the mouse
% button. Note: if the object is already active, you don't need
% to click on it but the mouse must be on top of the object.
% 2) press and hold the activation key ('d' in this demo; it's easy
% to change).
% 3) Drag the object while continuing to hold the mouse button (if
% need) and the actvation key ('d').
% 4) First release the mouse button (if held), then release the activation
% key. If done in the reverse order, the callback function will be invoked.
% For objects that do not have callback functions invoked by selecting them,
% just click on the object with the mouse and drag while holding the activation
% key.
% To undo the previous drag-n-drop, select the figure background and press escape.
% Details
% A "WindowButtonMotionFcn" function is assigned to the figure. This function
% continually looks for an object handle stored as "yokedObject" within the figure's
% application data. When "yokedObject" is empty, nothing happens. When "yokedObject"
% contains an object handles, the position of that object is yoked with the mouse
% position (drag mode). The KeyPress functions merely assign the selected object
% to the "yokedObject" field and the KeyRelease function merely removes that object
% so it will no longer be yoked. If the drag duration lasts fewer than 0.2 seconds,
% the object is returned to its original position. This is to avoid accidental
% activations.
%% Create the simple GUI
% Contains 1 button and 1 popup menu
h.fig = figure();
h.but1 = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','PushButton','Units','Normalize','Position',[.1,.8,.2,.1],'String','Go');
h.popup1 = uicontrol(h.fig, 'Style', 'ListBox', 'Units','Normalize', 'Position', [.5, .6, .2, .2], 'String', {'apples','oranges','pears'});
% assign callback functions
h.fig.WindowButtonMotionFcn = @mouseMotionFcn; % Captures mouse movement within figure
h.but1.Callback = @button1CallbackFcn; % callback function for button
h.but1.KeyPressFcn = @dragAndDropKeyPressFcn; % function: start dragging button
h.but1.KeyReleaseFcn = @dragAndDropKeyReleaseFcn; % function : stop dragging button
h.popup1.KeyPressFcn = @dragAndDropKeyPressFcn; % function : start dragging popup menu
h.popup1.KeyReleaseFcn = @dragAndDropKeyReleaseFcn; % function : stop dragging popup menu
h.fig.KeyPressFcn = @undoDragAndDropFcn; % undo previous drag-and-drop
% Assign handles to gui figure
guidata(h.fig, h)
%% Callback functions
function button1CallbackFcn(hObj,~,~)
% Activated when button is pressed. If the callback function was invoked during
% the drag-and-drop, execution is terminated. Otherwise, this displays a
% message box.
h = guidata(hObj.Parent); % assumes object's parent is figure
if isfield(h,'yokedObject') && isequal(hObj, h.yokedObject)
return % Object is being yoked, do not invoke callback function
% display message box
msgbox('Hello world!', mfilename, 'replace')
function dragAndDropKeyPressFcn(hObj, event)
% Activated when the object is selected and a key is pressed. If the key is not the
% activation key (assigned below), execution is terminated.
% Hold down the activation key to drag and drop a GUI object to a different location in
% the GUI figure. If key was not the designated activation key, of if object is already
% being yoked, do nothing.
h = guidata(hObj.Parent); %assumes the object's parent is the main figure
if ~strcmpi(event.Key, 'd') || (isfield(h,'yokedObject') && ~isempty(h.yokedObject))
% store initial button position & units, initial mouse position, and start timer
h.initMousePos = h.currMousePos;
h.tic = tic();
h.originalObjUnits = hObj.Units;
% Set object units equal to figure units (will be reset later)
hObj.Units = hObj.Parent.Units; %assumes the figure is parent to the object
h.initObjPosOnClick = hObj.Position; % in figure units
% Yoke object to mouse position
h.yokedObject = hObj;
guidata(hObj.Parent, h);
function dragAndDropKeyReleaseFcn(hObj, event)
% Activated when the object is selected and a pressed key is released. If the released
% key is not the activation key (assigned below), execution is terminated.
% If key was not the designated activation key, do nothing.
if ~strcmpi(event.Key, 'd')
% If activation key was not held long enough, return to orginal position
h = guidata(hObj.Parent); %assumes the object's parent is the main figure
if toc(h.tic) < 0.2
yokedObj = h.yokedObject;
h.previousYokedObject = h.yokedObject;
h.yokedObject = [];
guidata(hObj.Parent, h) %stop drag right away
% Return object to original position and units
yokedObj.Position = h.initObjPosOnClick;
yokedObj.Units = h.originalObjUnits;
% drop object at final location
h.previousYokedObject = h.yokedObject;
h.yokedObject = [];
guidata(hObj.Parent, h) %stop drag
hObj.Units = h.originalObjUnits; % return original units
function undoDragAndDropFcn(hObj,event)
% Activated when the figure background is selected and the activation key
% (assigned below) is pressed. The most recent object that was drag-and-dropped
% will be reset back to its original position.
% If key was not the designated activation key or if there isn't a yoked object, do nothing.
h = guidata(hObj);
if ~strcmpi(event.Key, 'escape') || ~isfield(h,'previousYokedObject') || isempty(h.previousYokedObject)
% Return object to original position
h.previousYokedObject.Units = hObj.Units;
h.previousYokedObject.Position = h.initObjPosOnClick;
h.previousYokedObject.Units = h.originalObjUnits;
% Just in case something went wrong with releasing the yoke
h.yokedObject = [];
function mouseMotionFcn(hObj, ~)
% Activated when the mouse enters the figure area.
% Stores current mouse position within figure and when an object
% is stored in the "yokedObject" field of the figure's application
% data, the object will move with the mouse.
h = guidata(hObj);
h.currMousePos = get(hObj, 'CurrentPoint');
% Yoke the object with the mouse position
if isfield(h,'yokedObject') && ~isempty(h.yokedObject)
% if current mouse position is not within object, stop.
if ~(h.initMousePos(1) >= h.initObjPosOnClick(1) && ... % is to the right of object's left edge
h.initMousePos(1) <= sum(h.initObjPosOnClick([1,3])) && ... % is to the left of object's right edge
h.initMousePos(2) >= h.initObjPosOnClick(2) && ... % is above object's bottom edge
h.initMousePos(2) <= sum(h.initObjPosOnClick([2,4]))) % is under the object's top edge
h.yokedObject = [];
% Compute initial mouse position (in figure units) relative to object position within figure
% Earlier sections of code ensured that the object and figure have the same units.
h.yokedObject.Position(1:2) = h.currMousePos - (h.initMousePos - h.initObjPosOnClick(1:2));
  7 commentaires
Mahdi Ghourchian
Mahdi Ghourchian le 21 Août 2019
Modifié(e) : Mahdi Ghourchian le 21 Août 2019
yeah....i did it.Instead of defining a new push buttons i used drag and drop method and found the code for it in google.
Now i have a new problem.
In my pic above i have defined a function which is responsible for drag and drop.
I can move every single push buttons after running Matlab Gui but the problem is these push buttons have kindda lost ther actions.I mean i am only able to move push buttons around and i cant click on them to see the information of each push button on the table at the right side of my gui.
To sum up....I want to define a new push button and i want to define a function in its call back to reset the other push buttons functionality.and then when i click on every single push button i can sse the information of push button on the table which is on the right side of my gui.
How can i define a function to reset all the other movable push buttons to a normal push button?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 21 Août 2019
"yeah....i did it.Instead of defining a new push buttons i used drag and drop method and found the code for it in google."
Mind sharing it or at least a link to what you found?
"these push buttons have kindda lost ther actions."
It sounds like the drag-and-drop method you're using is interfering with the button-down function or callback function of the button. I was careful to avoid that problem in my solution.
"I want to define a new push button and i want to define a function in its call back to reset the other push buttons functionality"
This sounds like a mess, non-intuitive, and not user friendly. It sounds like a bad idea that is designed to fix previous bad ideas. I have a feeling that the entire approach could be replaced my something much cleaner and intuitive. But I still don't know the purpose of the buttons or why they have to move. If you explain that I might be able to suggest better user designs.

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