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Selecting points from UI Axes App Designer MATLAB R2019a

40 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hemanth Hariharan
Hemanth Hariharan le 12 Août 2019
Commenté : Ahmed le 7 Juin 2023
I am plotting this histogram on UI Axes App Designer R2019a, and I want the user to be able to interactively split the plot using vertical lines (so that I can get the X coordinate at which they are placed). I was previously using getpts, which does not seem to work on UI Axes. Is there a solution for this?

Réponse acceptée

Abhilash Padma
Abhilash Padma le 16 Août 2019
I understand that you want to split the plot using vertical lines whenever you click on the axes. But, there is no built-in functionality of adding callbacks to UIAxes as of now. Rather, consider using the ButtonDownFcn callback of plot object to draw vertical lines. Here, the plot object can be used to get your expected output.The following code below may help you solve the problem.
function mouseClick(~,~)
  5 commentaires
Prashanth Thambala
Prashanth Thambala le 22 Sep 2022
@Abhilash Padma can you help me to break out of the function, as the function does not run for finite clicks and stores the last clicked value
Ahmed le 7 Juin 2023
Hello everyone,
I'm also struggling with this. Where should the function (mouseclick) be placed in the code view? I have the similar implementation but my click function doesnt seem to be triggered when I click on the plot. I think the reason is becuase it is in another slider function. So I'm not sure now where to place in my click function in the code view.
% Value changed function: FrequencySlider
function FrequencySliderValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.FrequencySlider.Value;
view(app.UIAxes, [0 90]);
c = colorbar(app.UIAxes)
colormap(app.UIAxes, jet)
axis(app.UIAxes, 'tight')
axis(app.UIAxes, 'equal')
function click(~,eventData)
coords = eventData.IntersectionPoint;

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