MATLAB Coder for FSK Demodulation

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
mounika le 23 Sep 2019
Commenté : mounika le 25 Sep 2019
I am trying to generate c code for FSK Modulation and Demodulation. Following is my function for code generation:
function [modSignal,receivedData,errorStats] = test_my_FSK(data)
M = 4;
freqSep = 100;
fskMod_M = comm.FSKModulator(M,freqSep,'BitInput',true);
fskDemod_M = comm.FSKDemodulator(M,freqSep,'BitOutput',true);
err = comm.ErrorRate;
modSignal = zeros((fskMod_M.SamplesPerSymbol*(length(data)/2)),1)+0i;
receivedData = zeros(length(data),1);
errorStats = zeros(3,1);
for counter = 1:10
modSignal = step(fskMod_M,data);
receivedData = step(fskDemod_M,modSignal);
errorStats = step(err,data,receivedData);
In the above function, you can observe that I have both FSK modulation and Demodulation. I have no issues converting the modulation part into mex, but when it comes to demodulation it throws the following error:
Matlab Coder Error.JPG
I was successful in generating mex for just the modulation part, only when I include the demodulation part it fails. Kindly advise.
Also, I observed that,
class for FSK Modulation :
Whereas that of the demodulator is,
I have checked MATLAB documentation for comm.FSKDemodulator, it says it is supported for C code generation.
Your help will be greatly appreciated. Kindly advise
  2 commentaires
Denis Gurchenkov
Denis Gurchenkov le 24 Sep 2019
This looks like a bug. Can you please attach all the files you have been using (the .m file and .prj file) and also specify what release of MATLAB you are using and what platform?
mounika le 24 Sep 2019
Modifié(e) : mounika le 24 Sep 2019
Hi Denis,
Couldn't attach the .prj file (It says unsupported format).
Attached the .m file and the test file
MATLAB 18b, Win64
Kindly suggest any other alternate way to do this code generation.
Also, does M-FSK modulator & demodulator block support code generation for C in Simulink

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Vivek Selvam
Vivek Selvam le 24 Sep 2019
Hi Mounika,
Code generation is successful when using Name-Value pairs for comm.FSKDemodulator as follows:
fskDemod_M = comm.FSKDemodulator('ModulationOrder',M,'FrequencySeparation',freqSep,'BitOutput',true);
The equivalent Simulink blocks (M-FSK Modulator Baseband and M-FSK Demodulator Baseband) support C code generation:
>> web(fullfile(docroot, 'comm/ref/mfskmodulatorbaseband.html'))
>> web(fullfile(docroot, 'comm/ref/mfskdemodulatorbaseband.html'))
Thanks for reporting this bug.
  1 commentaire
mounika le 25 Sep 2019
Thanks a lot Vivek. That solved my issue.
Best Regards,

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