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How do i get my textbox to display the given value of my variable??

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sebastian Obwoya
Sebastian Obwoya le 2 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : the cyclist le 4 Oct 2019
pongAxes = axes('color','black','XLim',[0 100],'YLim',[0 100]),...
score = [0,0];
  4 commentaires
Sebastian Obwoya
Sebastian Obwoya le 3 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : Sebastian Obwoya le 3 Oct 2019
I want an annotation. It was actually supposed to be written like:
My purpose was to print out the first value (1) of my variable score[0,0] in my gamer, to make a scoreboard.
Rik le 3 Oct 2019
In that case the sprintf command is what you're looking for, as the cyclist already suggested in his answer. Read the documentation for an overview of all available formatting options.

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the cyclist
the cyclist le 2 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : the cyclist le 4 Oct 2019
I'm guesing that
is a variable you are trying to display. You need to convert that to a string -- just putting quotes around it won't work, as you have presumably discovered.
to show what that string will look like. I'm guessing at the format. You could use '%d' if it is an integer, or try adjust the values I guessed at for a floating point. See the documentation for sprintf for lots of details.
You could also just use

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