Index for subfolders without *.pdf files

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Johnny Birch
Johnny Birch le 11 Oct 2019
Commenté : Johnny Birch le 13 Oct 2019
Hi guys. I have one folder which contains several 100 subfolders. I need to index for subfolder with does not contain a pdf file, and locate these folders. Hwo can I do this? Thanks a lot

Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 11 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 11 Oct 2019
Simpler and more robust:
D = 'path to the main folder';
S = dir(fullfile(D,'*'));
N = setdiff({S([S.isdir]).name},{'.','..'});
F = @(s)isempty(dir(fullfile(D,s,'*.pdf')));
X = cellfun(F,N)
It returns logical indices, simply use FIND for subscript indices.
The names of the folders without .PDF files:
  5 commentaires
Stephen23 le 12 Oct 2019
This should get you started, please adjust it to fit your exact structure and needs:
D = './MainFolder'; % path to the main folder.
out = {};
ds1 = dir(fullfile(D,'*'));
dn1 = setdiff({ds1([ds1.isdir]).name},{'.','..'});
for k1 = 1:numel(dn1) % loop over subfolders.
ds2 = dir(fullfile(D,dn1{k1},'*'));
dn2 = setdiff({ds2([ds2.isdir]).name},{'.','..'});
for k2 = 1:numel(dn2) % loop over subsubfolders.
ds3 = dir(fullfile(D,dn1{k1},dn2{k2},'*'));
dn3 = setdiff({ds3([ds3.isdir]).name},{'.','..'});
for k3 = 1:numel(dn3) % loop over subsubsubfolders.
tmp = fullfile(D,dn1{k1},dn2{k2},dn3{k3});
fnm = dir(fullfile(tmp,'Target*.pdf'));
if isempty(fnm)
out{end+1} = tmp;
Johnny Birch
Johnny Birch le 13 Oct 2019
Hi Stephen Cobeldick, your code works perfectly, Thanks a lot, you saved my a lot of time.

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Plus de réponses (1)

Hemant Verma
Hemant Verma le 11 Oct 2019
This should work.
% specify path to the source folder (in your case the one which contains 100 subfolders)
rootFolderPath = './RootFolder';
% get all subfolders and files (if any) inside root folder
allFolders = dir(rootFolderPath);
% initialise an empty variable to store indices of folders without PDF file
foldersWithoutPDF = [];
% for each element of allFolders
for i = 3:length(allFolders)
% check whether it is a folder and it does not contain any pdf file
if ( isdir([rootFolderPath filesep allFolders(i).name]) && ...
isempty(dir([rootFolderPath filesep allFolders(i).name filesep '*.pdf'])) )
foldersWithoutPDF = [foldersWithoutPDF ; i-2];
The variable "foldersWithoutPDF" should contain the indices of all subfolders without PDF file.
  1 commentaire
Stephen23 le 11 Oct 2019
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 11 Oct 2019
Note that this line is fragile/buggy:
for i = 3:length(allFolders)
because its author incorrectly assumed that the first two elements of allFolders are always the folder shortcuts '.' and '..'. In fact:
  1. there is no guarantee that any particular OS will return those shortcuts.
  2. there is no guarantee that they will be returned as the first two names. In fact it is trivial to create some file/folder names which demonstrate that they are not always the first two returned names:
>> fclose(fopen('+test.txt','wt'));
>> fclose(fopen('-test.txt','wt'));
>> fclose(fopen('@test.txt','wt'));
>> S = dir('*');
ans = +test.txt
ans = .test.txt
ans = .
ans = ..
ans = @test.txt
Also note that fullfile is recommended for creating file paths, rather than string concatenation.

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