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GUIDE, images, memory issue

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jason le 16 Oct 2019
Réponse apportée : Jason le 16 Oct 2019
Hello, I have a memory Issue.
I am capturing upto 500 images (12 bit tiffs) and storing them in an array.
I preallocate memory:
numImages=500; %Maximum number of images in a stack
global imgArray;
Then in another function that captures the images (and adds to an exes component created using GUIDE),
I add to the image array
axes(handles.axes1); cla reset; %Remove any previous graphics on the axes
global imgArray;
What I've noticed is at the end once I have finished, I have a seperate function that supposed to clear these images from memory, but looking in task manager, Im still seeing about 3G RAM being taken up from matlab.
%Function to clear memory taken from images
axes(handles.axes1); cla reset; %Remove any previous graphics on the axes

Réponses (1)

Jason le 16 Oct 2019
Seems I forgot to put global in my clear function
global imgArray


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